By most popular accounts, Trump lost by approximately 7 million votes which is a big number by itself, but not big compared to the record number of votes cast. It’s a little over 4 percent. In 2016, Hillary won the popular vote by only a couple percent. Neither difference was massive any way you look at it. And, when you look at the states being disputed which decided the election, the percentage drops to 1% or less of the total vote count. Why criticise people in doubt of the results? It’s not like they’re any different than Stacey Abrams who claimed Georgia Republicans cheated by purging 309,000 voter registrations in 2019. In light of the upcoming Senate runoff election, Democrats want 198,000 registrations restored. Is it more important to notice legitimate voters could have restored their own registration easily or that 111,000 purged registrations were illegal, invalid or duplicates? Another curiosity is why the 198,000 Dems want restored couldn’t or didn’t bother to reregister for the Presidential election last November? Confusing? It seems like one group of cheaters are calling another group of cheaters, CHEATERS!! If the U.S. wants unquestioned election legitimacy then it’s about time voter registration rolls are monitored constantly, just like everything else is. And, ballots should be counted twice every election, once by Democrats, once by Republicans at the same time in the same rooms and then compared. Expensive? Maybe. Is it worth the price? Definitely.