What would be the best way to save some money? What have you done?
2006-08-25 02:43:13 UTC
What would be the best way to save some money? What have you done?
216 answers:
2006-08-26 11:30:25 UTC
Put it in a safe spot then 'forget you have it'

1. every pay check take a certain amount "off the top" then tuck it away-no matter what!

2. keep a saving account that you NEVER TOUCH!

3. leave all credit cards at home.

4. give myself a cash allowance every paycheck and only, I mean only spend that cash during the week. No ATM withdrawal or ATM purchase transactions.

5. make my own coffee and bring my own sweet bev. out with me instead of buying it 'on the streets'.

6. make my lunch and stick to only eating that for lunch-not fast food,etc.

7. never lend out money...

8. don't give to panhandlers-let them get welfare, community care/donations, or motivate their own minds and discipline to take care of themselves.

2006-08-27 00:35:25 UTC
If you don't have a budget, or if you don't know where every cent you have goes, I would first take care of that problem. (You can get a basic budget book at Staples or any office store. Better yet you can get software like Quicken or MS Money to manage your spending.)

One thing you could do to save is to have funds automatically taken out of your paycheck and put into a savings account. Set this up with your bank.

Or, you can open an account at a place like ING or Emigrant Direct, and create an Automatic Savings Plan. It will deduct money from your linked checking account the same time every week or month (whatever you specify), and you don't have to do any work. This is a good feature because sometimes we forget to save. The transactions take a few days longer than usual, but that's ok, because you're not supposed to be touching it that often.

All in all, spend less on frivolous things and you'll find it easier to save. Good luck.
The Invisible Man
2006-08-25 17:50:47 UTC
Try to do without a car. That equals no loan, no interest, no gas, no repairs, no insurance. Buy a bicycle if your town is small enough to get around in or if you live in a large town where just about everything you'd need is close by (grocery, doctor, dentist, department stores, post office branch, bank, etc.), If that doesn't seem feasible, consider a motorscooter (gas mileage alone will save you alot).

Don't buy a freezer! They are electricity HOGS. Believe me, you end up paying full price for that bulk, discount crud sooner or later. Better is to leave all that frozen stuff at the store where it belongs. Let the grocer pay high electricity bills, not you. Buy and store only what food you can go through in a reasonable time (say a week). Only store long-term what stores well at room temperature. Otherwise you are just making the light company rich. Use airconditioning only when it is unbeareable otherwise. In winter, don't use the central heat. Just dress warmly (example, don't run around the house in winter with your shoes off!). If you have a fireplace use it. (Please use a fireplace screen!!!) Wood fuel is cheap. (You don't have to buy cords of wood---you'd be surprized at how much wood can be scrounged from your community.) Sunlight is free! Open those window shades during the day (unless it heats a room up too much---only then, use the electric lights during the day).

Plant a garden. Grow only what grows easily. You'll have to ask around or experiment to find that out.) Raised bed gardens are easiest to care for. (That way you don't have to go buy a tiller.) Or just use your flower beds for a veggie garden. Plant a pear tree (no maintenance at all and they bear every year, heavily, especially in Texas---up north then try an apple tree.) If you don't have a predator problem, raise chickens (worm 'em every now and then with piperzine citrate---other than that they're virtually non-maintenance). If dogs ad predators are a problem, then just pen the birds permanently. (You may even make a little selling eggs.)

Stay away from credit cards. Unless you use them sparingly and pay off in full each month, you're not even getting convenience at all from them.

Unless your job demands the suit and tie routine, dress casually! Jeans and t-shirts are so much cheaper than other clothes, more comfortable, and easier to care for.

Take any extra or part-time work you can find and put that income into a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) with companies that have such. CenterPoint Energy (CNP) sells direct to you the stockholder, and dividends right now are higher than 4.5%. Use it for retirement.
2006-08-26 10:28:02 UTC
There Is No Way, If You Are Born For Spending Money And Having Real Good Time, Enjoying The Life Than You Will Stay like That, If You Are Born For Not Spending The Money And Staying All The Time At Home And Etc. Than You Will Stay Like That.

Keep Your Coins Dont Spend Them, Open A Bank Account Put In Monthly 50 Or More $, Thats What My Mom Does For Me. Dont waste Your Money On Your Friends try To Be More Selfish.

Take Care
2006-08-26 21:26:05 UTC
Have a seperate checking and savings. Set up auto-deposit and have the certain amount put into savings every week. Never use the savings account, no matter how bad you think you need that cute purse or a new CD. Instead, I will take out from checking only what I need for the week in the beginning of the week (Gas, food and maybe $20 extra for whatever else.) Then if I use it all up before week is over I basically stay home and do nothing. The rest of checking is for monthly bills and at the end of the month after paying all my bills, I will transfer the extra into savings.
2006-08-26 07:33:13 UTC
All the following that apply: unsubscribe yourself from cable TV and super high speed Internet (just get high speed), stop buying retail clothing and revert to resale, don't eat out every weekend, buy the off-brand food items rather than Kraft, Nabisco, etc., use coupons even if it's a pain (some people have saved, annually, hundreds of dollars by clipping coupons), don't buy the Escalade, get the Yukon instead (same model, cheaper sticker price), sell the truck or SUV and buy a used but decent car that has good gas mileage (Hondas are nice for that), turn off lights when you leave the room, don't run the A/C at all hours of the day...There are many ways to save money...just remember that 80% is mindset and 20% is action (or somewhere in that range of figures). Be willing to cut back and start putting money in savings rather than a jar where you can easily get access to it.
2006-08-27 06:30:24 UTC
Set up a plan where the goal is to save 10% of your income. You may have to start with 2 or 3% but start somewhere and work your way up. If you are a shopper or Starbucks addict, cut out the little indulgences for a while and watch your savings grow. It is very satisfying to have some money saved. It can reduce stress in your life because you have funds for emergencies. Look at this website, it may help. Good luck, you are making a step in the right direction!
2006-08-26 19:23:47 UTC
When it comes to food and bathroom items/toiletries, buy the generic brands if the product offers a generic version.

If you smoke, consider give up smoking.

Like peanutbutter1973 wrote, try making yourself an allowance. At the beginning of the month, I divide whatever money I have left after bills and divide it by how many weeks in the month. Then, I only allow myself so much a week.

If you drink often, you might want to consider drinking less often and in less amounts.

Try not to go out too much. Have people hang out at your place, or hang out at their place.

Though cutting out on extras may not be easy, in fact, it's not easy at all, but you'll thank yourself eventually.

Also, unless you REALLY need it, like for public transportation, whenever you got coins, dump it in a designated jar or container, and promise yourself to save it for emergencies. Then, when you do need the change turned into dollars, either find a store that has CoinStar machine, or go to your bank (go to your bank if you have an account, because at the bank, you can and should have it done for free).

If you're used to eating out a lot, try eating at home more. There are even some things you eat at the restaraunt you can make yourself, like a Mexican pizza, or McDonald's McGriddle sandwiches.

Good Luck
((((only time will tell))))
2006-08-26 08:00:44 UTC
It's the little things that can get you! those daily trips to starbucks can add up.(buy and brew your coffee!) That double cheese burger combo at mickey d's can really burn a hole in your pocket. (homemade hamburgers taste much better!) You should review your bills, statements from the bank and credit card companies and see where the money is going. Do you see where your spending friviously? Cut it out! Eat out less; eat in more. Clothes shop seasonally versus weekly. No more than 40% of your money should be going to rent, utilities, etc monthly. If you work an environment where eating out is the norm, pack your lunch (save $$$ and lbs)! Then pay off those credit cards and shred them up! Those cards are nothing but demons designed to keep us in debt! I would say you only need 1-2 (no more) credit cards for emergencies. And as soon as you spend that loaned money, pay it back! There are huge late fees for late bills not to mention your interest rate skyrockets (interest rates also increase if your at or near your spending limit!) And perhaps you should set something up with your bank through direct deposit than automatically puts some money in your savings account!
2006-08-25 16:11:08 UTC
The absolute best way is to pay yourself first out of every single pay check and every dollar you earn in any manner. Put ten percent into a jar, a box, a drawer, a savings account, etc., and don't spend it for any reason other than what you're saving it for. If you have payments on other things, call of your creditors and tell then that you're going to have to send them less money and know before hand the approximate amount you'll be sending them. Explain that you have acquired an added expense that you simply cannot avoid and that you have to restructure your payments to everyone. Then save that ten percent and guard it like a dog with a ripe bone.

Another thing to do is just don't spend money on what you want. Spend it only on what you absolutely need and nothing else. You don't need pizzas, for example. If you like going out for pizza, count the money that can be kept instead of spending it on something you crave. Since pizza isn't a real need, such as a roof over your head, keep you money in your pocket the next time that urge strikes. Do the same with all urges. They are wants demanding fulfillment. Take care of your needs and ignore your wants. This will help you cut your spending.

My wife and I have been practicing what I'm preaching for twenty years. I wish we'd have started earlier.

Good luck.
W. E
2006-08-25 21:16:55 UTC
When you get paid - just as you pay the church (if you go) and that is called a tithe - Pay yourself first - or 2nd after paying the church. Pay your self 10 percent of your income. Put it into a CD each week (not a CD of music, a Certificate of Deposit) at a Bank or a Financial Company. You will earn interest on the money and you will see it start growing. You do not need to put much aside, but after a few months, take a look at it and see how much you have saved - in the long run, if you get in the habit of doing this, you will not miss the 10 percent, and learn to live on the remaining money you have.....
2006-08-26 20:02:13 UTC
Find the difference between a few sets of words when you are thinking about buying something.

1.)Want or Need

2.)Exotic or Quality

3.)Tightwad or Economy(if ur a tightwad u usually tend to by stuff u dnt need in the first place if it's on sale, thus, actualy wasting money bc u never use it.

other methods include, comparing prices b4 u buy, try not to waste, don't get the cart ahead of the horse,example, don't have a kid if financially u cant support one because then you'll end up in debt.

make smart decisions that will also save you money down the road, such as buying a reliable car so u dont have to repair it very often if at all. Hope this helps! =D
2006-08-26 13:09:38 UTC
This really works great for me. Besides having a small amount automatically put into savings with my direct deposit paycheck, I use this to save more money.

When shopping, I never use one dollar bills or change. I always pay with 5's, 10's, etc. Then, maybe once a week, I dump out my purse and take all the change, as well as all the 1 dollar bills out, and put them in a large jar. Also, when I am doing laundry, and I happen to find any bills or change that I forgot about in the pockets, it goes in the jar also.

Now, here's the best part. I never count it, so that I can't depend on it. Also, if by chance I really need to use any of this money, I make myself pay it back double. Yep, double. This keeps me from using it at all.

I have quite a bit of money in this jar.

I think you'll find this works great for you.

Good luck.
2006-08-26 09:16:57 UTC
I was taught at an early age the value of money, saving it and spending when necessary...not treating it as if I had a money tree outside my door.

Buy only what you really need, that means you don't buy everything you WANT. We live in a time of massive debt, homes are being foreclosed upon, people living in cars, etc., why? Because people over spent. You cannot live above your means.

If you have credit cards, make sure you don't have balances that you pay on and on and on. Pay off the cards monthly. If you can't that means you are living above what you should.

You make a certain amount and that is it, curb your spending around that and the fact that you should also be putting away at least 10% of your income per month in savings. And if you are at least 21, you should be thinking about an IRA account too.
Mama Jazzy Geri
2006-08-26 02:36:22 UTC
Well it all depends on your style of living

some people demand to live high and others can get by with less

For me I save on groceries by cooking from scratch and not buying already prepared food.

I save on gas for the car by not using it only if it's really necessary and taking the short routes plus going to stores that have many departments so I don't have to run all over town.

Buy not watching so much TV advertisements they are telling you you NEED THIS OR THAT....

making a budget, list all the things you have to pay for monthly and sticking to it so your bank account stays healthy

go through all your belongings and if you have things you haven't used in 6 months or more sell them and put the money in the bank.

If you have free time and enjoy kids and the elderly babysit for them. This way you can use your free time wisely and get some income from it.

Recycle, if your area recycles aluminum collect yours and get some money for it.

Have a yard sale

Also it's good to give from your heart to the needy when you do something for someone else less fortunate usually you will be blessed in the end. It makes you feel good!
2006-08-26 06:53:47 UTC
Here's a couple good way to save some money:

Take all your spare change every single day & put it in a jar. Never carry any change. When you get home from work or where ever empty your pockets & your purse into the jar. After awhile roll the change & take it to the bank & put it in your savings account. It builds up fast, you'd be surprised.

When you get paid every pay day, set up a small amount for automatic deduction to your savings account. Start with $5 or $10 or whatever you can afford. Don't touch the money in your account & let it build up. When you have it automatically deducted, then you don't see it and can't spend it. Pay yourself first!'
2006-08-25 23:14:32 UTC
It depends how you spend you money .... if you go out every weekend to get drunk and dancing then you wont save much money ... what I do is; I have a bar at home ... planny of bottle ... all bought them costco ... I start drinking at home, so when I go out i only spend in 2 more drinks and that's it ... I always get to go to parties where I can get in the guest list ... I don't really pay for cover ... how do you do that??? put you email in a nightclub web site then they will send invitations. I don't drive ... gas is too expensive and I rather take public transportation to work, do groceries and everything else. I have 3 accounts .... checking, saving and a CD. if you get paid every 2 weeks, Think about what you have to pay first (bills, groceries, etc), then calculate how much you can save and how much money you need during 2 weeks ... I used to be broke like you ... the I put a little of initiative ... in 6 month I saved almost $10,000 ... no kidding.
2006-08-26 11:29:44 UTC
Share expenses. I live with two other rent paying adults and it helps a lot. Also, make sure you get good value for the money you do spend. Make spending choices rationally, being aware of all your options, rather than emotionally and by habit. You can bring water and a nice packed lunch for example, and both save money and eat better than if you bought restaurant food. With planning, it becomes evident that restaurant food is a big waste. People have to work a lot for the disposable income to eat out. Which brings up my last method.

Take your net monthly income (after taxes) and subtract the total of your necessary monthly expenses. The resulting amount is your monthly disposable income, or money you can choose what to do with. Then divide this disposable income by your hours worked over the month, and think of that as your disposable hourly wage. Suddenly the value of things becomes much clearer. For many people, this wage is small, and ordering that pizza delivery costs a lot more than it's worth! It puts things into perspective so you can make better choices. You are usually far better off buying expensive groceries, such as out of season fruits, than eating out. Still spend and enjoy things, but get value.

Keep records of waste. What food do you throw out. Often we buy certain foods and just keep throwing them away.

Oh ya, if ya really wanna pinch a few pennies, some bakeries sell day old bread really really cheap. Sometimes I get bread at about 1/4 normal cost at a nearby bakery, and it's fresher than the avg loaf in the store at just one day old. I buy a few loaves to freeze and eat in latter weeks.
2006-08-26 12:26:21 UTC
Don't spend it to begin with..

pay higher intererest loans first..

if you have 1 for 7% an 1 at 3% and you have some extra pay the 7% one first..

I often will wait till I get a credit card offer for some low % rate and then transfer my bills over.. I do it over and over and over again.. and I wind up paying little to nothing.. pay attention to the transfer fee.. if your credit is really good you don't need to PAY them so THEY can make money!

Watch out for the yearly fee. Some companies charge you a fee just for the 'priveldge of having credit'

I pay most of all my bills, including my house payment, my credit cards, my ISP, my phone bill - all on the internet.. it saves on stamps,.. it saves having to wonder if the mail was slow.. Most companies have secure sites now.. If a particular company doesn't.. close your accoutn and pay by mail..

just keep transfering balances to lower and lower interest rates.. that's what I do... I will be complety dbet free in less than 6yrs.. That inlcudes my house, all my credit cards.. the whole 9 yards!

In my town, the local truck stop lets me use their fax machine for nothing..

I go down to the hardware store and get copies for 15 cents ea..

look for deals around town..

Why put money into a saving acount and EARN 4% a year.. if you have a house loan at 6%? Doens't make sense does it?
2006-08-26 05:19:06 UTC
Each pay day. Set aside 1% of my pay. For 31 years that's started out little and slow. Now it's still a little but is very large amount due to the point of interest you make on it. Also buy saving bonds. I-bonds are at face value when you buy them and also make more money in the long run. Most places you work you can get bonds. $12.50 a pay I do. Been doing this for 15 years do the math. I get paid 26 times a year and buy $100 bonds.
2006-08-25 22:04:12 UTC
To BEEABOUT......,

The best way to save some money is not to spend even in dire need? Will you be able to? I know none will.

The best way is, you prepare a Budget of the month. There are basic requirements such as ATTA- DAALs, vegetables, milk, sugar, tea leaves, fruits, supposed medical expenses, sudden estimated expenses, travelling expenses, entertaining expenses, and so and so.

Have the list prepared with very care, then think over it again and again. Delete the expenses you can avoid or unnecessary. Think over again and again while purchasing a thing or a gift; if you can go without it don't purchase.

Yes, you will be able when you stop thinking that your prestige will be lowered. Think a bit, when you have no money, who comes to help you and will not demand his money back? So saving a bit is the best thing.

Stop thinking about others what they think.

Yours well wisher,

2006-08-27 05:20:22 UTC
If you work and eat out, bring a sack lunch. Eat out occasionally as a treat.

Save any amount, no matter how small and insignificant you think it is. It all adds up.

Have a designated amount to save from each paycheck.

Look at the areas where you spend the most money and see if you can cut back.
2006-08-26 19:50:27 UTC
Put your priorities straight. Save your money for things that are far more important than anything else, such as paying your bills and stuff. Next time you go shopping and you see something that catches your attention, no matter how cheap it is, ask yourself "i like it, i want it. But do I REALLY need it?". If the item you want to get is as important as paying your next bill or buying the neccessary items in your grocery store, then go ahead. Otherwise, just leave and come back when you know you have money to spare.

In one example i can relate to, I went to Wal-Mart recently and found the video game i've been looking for a long time available for only $10. As cheap as it is, i am however, short-stacked at the time even though i CAN afford to buy it. But knowing that getting it now would make it more difficult for me to use my money for more important matters such as paying my internet bill, i decide to put the game back even if it's the last one in stock. I'll just look for it again when I finally have enough money to spend to get it at the same time, keep my budget secure.
2006-08-25 19:30:49 UTC
Think and use it wisely.

1.) Savings Bonds:

Don't always go out and just blast your money at anything that appears appealing to your eyes, just get the feeling away from your mind and think of saving it up for something else important such as rent, car payments, etc. I've heard from a few friends of mine that putting your money into savings bonds helps you get atleast a bit of weight off your back knowi ng that you atleast have money later on for other important things you need. Once you have your money, just put it into your savings bond and their, you got future protection!

2.)Personal Money Saving

I don't highly recommend this but sometimes you just have to, keep some money at home, in your car, etc.(Atleast about $500-$1000 Dollars), atleast somewhere that's safe and confidential from others.

3.)Try taking it easy for yourself

If your workplace isn't very far a distance ffrom your home, take a bike, cheap and confident mode of transportation, but if you have to take a car to your work(to get to point A, to point B), buy a small car, think small, such as a simple Honda, etc. Low Insurance payments, Gas, Loans, and Repair payments.

Conclusion? Always keep emergency money, you don't know when you get robbed down the street by somebody and takes everything you had in your wallet/purse.
2006-08-26 16:14:19 UTC
Do not use your credit cards for everything, use cash.

Try to bring lunch form home everyday. It is cheaper to buy deli meat by the pound then buying a sandwich.

Also, try to put away one hours pay a day into savings...

Example: if you are making $10 an hour and work 5 days a week, you will put $50 a week into savings.

So after one year... 52 weeks, you will put $2,600 into savings.

It might not sound a lot, but it adds up.
sweet ivy lyn
2006-08-26 20:43:44 UTC
The best thing for me is to have my check "direct deposited" every week; I then have it set up with my bank on-line to have $75.00 taken each week from my checking acct. into the savings; I also have any "bills" that are a constant (like cable, phone, water,gas,electric, insurance) set up the same way; once a month, on the 21st, all my bills are pd. on-time; whatever is left after that, I use for food and fun! Think of how much money you save each month at 75 x's 52 weeks: over $3600.00 per year! Oh, also, only get a credit card with say a $750.00 limit so you can buy "things" on impulse, but pay up each month to establish fantastic credit!
2006-08-26 10:00:24 UTC
Set aside a SMALL amout weekly, an amount that you will not really miss. Have it withheld from your checking account and placed into a savings account. DO NOT LOOK at your savings account, for when amounts of money start building, there will be a tendency to raid it and spend the money! Put all "wind fall" money into the account, such as tax refunds, money gifts. Plan a budget and stick to it. It isn't hard to save money, it just takes practice. Good luck
2006-08-26 13:22:22 UTC
Realize that all the little things you buy each day. You buy a cup of coffee everyday that costs $5. You think, "Hm, it's only five dollars. It's okay!" But it adds up alot. A cup of coffee everyday for a week is already $35 dollars! Imagine how much you'll spend in a month just for coffee. You could probably buy a camera or something with the money you spend on just coffee.

Anyways, my point it realize that the little things you buy each day adds up and you'll just be wasting money.
Miss. Tee98
2006-08-26 01:14:08 UTC
I suck at saving money. The only way that works for me is I went to go get a 5 gallon water bottle and every time I get paid, I would get 100.00 in quarter, dimes, and nickels and pour them in that bank. Don't put them in there whole because you will still be tempted to spend them. I also put all spare change that collected at the end of the day. At the end of the year I ended up saving a little over $7,000.00.
2006-08-25 21:39:59 UTC
Keep Track of EVERY CENT.

Stop spending on unnecessary things.

Think before you spend. If you did without it last week, then you can probably do without it this week. (Unless it's something like utilities LOL). If it's something you can live without, then don't spend on it.


I got a savings account and every time i felt the urge to splurge, I put the amount the item would have cost me into my savings account. For example: I saw this coach bag i wanted for $198, and instead of buying it, I put the $198 into my savings. Also, I got $20 from my paycheck automatically drafted into my savings each week.

I had a big chunk of change in no time!!
2006-08-25 15:23:40 UTC
Some stuff I try to do as much as possible:

Think twice before spending.

Use coupons as much as possible.

Shop the clearance racks

Thrift Shop

If you get a raise, put the extra pay into an account like you never got it.

If your employer has a 401k, put as high of % you can possible into it.

If you get a bonus or refund, save it all.

When going out, take 1/2 as much out with you than you normally do, then save the other half into an account.

Put all your loose change into a piggy bank, bust it open to use for xmas gifts...keeping whats in it as your budget for everyone! Make gifts if you have to.

So many more ideas.....
2006-08-27 02:39:34 UTC
i would say the best way to save money is to keep aside $5 or $10( or which ever currency u use) every will be a lot of money u can save and dont buy things just because u WANT them ..only buy things u in a month u can save $150 to $300..this will really help u.

i am very glad to help!!
2006-08-27 06:04:27 UTC
Everytime I get paid .....I deposit a little cash into a seperate savings account I have w/ my bank that I do not touch, and just keep pitting $$ into. That way I dont use my Check card & all my $$ in that one account.

Dicsipline and Responsibility are key to achieveing this if you really want to save $$$$.

Also create a budget for yourself so you know how much $$$ you can spend, put away, use for bills etc.... it works for me
2006-08-26 14:10:02 UTC
Sacrifice a lot by not eating out very much, renting instead of going to the threater, wait a couple months before buying a new item that everyone wants, thrift shopping on ebay, use coupons, look for deals and fill out rebates, carpooling, turn off lights and other electrical appliances when not in use, have a garden and eat out of name a few...
2006-08-25 23:45:21 UTC
A couple things. One, I make it mandatory that I give myself at least 10% each paycheck for savings. It's only fair to pay yourself!

Another thing to do if you keep a check register, anytime you deposit money or write a check or use your debit card, add up or down. For example, if you write a check for $22.00, subtract $25 from your balance. If you deposit $27, write in your register you deposited $25. That way, you always think you have less money than you actually do, so you don't spend it all and there's a nice little cushion. It adds up over time!
2006-08-25 03:09:22 UTC

Everyone I know who's gotten excited about that book alienates every friend they have with their cheapness and general holier-than-thou attitude. None of them are rich.

Track what you spend. Get microsoft money or just keep a notepad and keep track of what you spend each month on things that aren't fixed costs like rent and utilities. Seperrate costs like acohol or movies and you'll quickly see where your money is going in proportion to what you're getting out of it. I found out that eating out, even inexpensively, instead of cooking was draining my savings account.

Instead of depositing all your money into savings allways put an amount, $25 or more, into your savings account. Don't touch this money unless it's an emergency. It begins to add up rather quickly when you're not watching it.
2006-08-26 11:42:54 UTC

See exactly how m uch you make and how much you spend and list a savings as a bill you have to pay and the money will be put aside.

Another great way is to join a "christmas plan" or some savings plan at work where rthe money is automatically taken out. If you do not see it you wont spend it!!!!
My Big Bear Ron
2006-08-25 15:45:32 UTC
I have saved $thousands by NOT eating out.

I cook for myself, and love it. I buy those rubbermaid plastic containers and make my own lunches for work. Sometimes I cook up enough of something to last for several days -- plastic containers YES!!!

Mind you, I buy top quality food at the grocery store. I get only what I really want, and I buy only a lil more than what I'll likely need.

I stop buy candy bars........ eat apples instead.

I NEVER go inside of a convenience store. I pump my gas, pay at the pump, get in the car and go.

I save enough every year to do some really good traveling.

Don't order FF every time you get a burger.

When you eat out, drink water -- you'll save over $ per drink.

Don't supersize anything. Instead, go for variety.
2006-08-26 10:31:49 UTC
I have my bank automatically deduct $25.00 a month from my checking and put into my Savings account (I know it's not much but it does add up). I use coupons and go to stores that double them (when I have coupons, Ralphs is a good one). I don't buy thing's unless I absolutely need them - I go for the best deals. If I need some clothes - go to thrift stores first - you'll be suprised the good things you can find at thrift stores - I've gotten some of my best clothes at Thrift stores. Hope this helps. Good luck to you.
2006-08-26 05:28:46 UTC
Think of yourself as a creditor who MUST be paid "X" amount of dollars each time you receive your paycheck, allotment, allowance, whatever. Make it a reasonable amount (it doesn't have to be big - $10 or $20 or whatever amount you can COMFORTABLY afford). The important thing to remember is that there can be no excuse for not paying this creditor the pre-determined amount of money.

Another way (though it won't add up as fast) is to fudge on your checkbook entries - this gives an added perk of being easier to add and subtract entries. Always note the ACTUAL deposit or withdrawal in your entry column, but in your balance column add or subtract it as follows: if you deposit $75.99, add it as $75 (adjusting deposit DOWN)...if you write a check for $19.01, subtract it as $20 (adjusting withdrawal UP). This is also a good way to give yourself a little cushion against possible overdrafts.

Hope this info helps you. Always happy to save money...whether it's mine or someone else's. (^@^)

Source: Self-experience
Vince M
2006-08-25 16:51:23 UTC
Best and easiest answer:

Begin NOW.

Don't wait, while you hunt for the best rate or vehicle, or for some automatic deposit to kick in.

Do it now, by collecting all your spare change and putting it into a pile. When the pile gets annoying, you'll find a box, bag, jar or something to put it it. All this can be done WHILE you check out all those other things.

All those bigger plans can start earning their interest, and mature and all those other "financy" things, meanwhile you pocket change gets heavier, and outgrows the box, bag, jar, etc and you can drop it off at your savings bank into a simple passbook account, and add to it once in a while.

Your bigger savings will be there when you retire, but sometime sooner, your pocket change may buy you your digital camera, or tickets to the ball game, or, who knows?
2006-08-27 07:06:17 UTC
I do buy the basic needs. I walk instead of getting a ride to save my fare. I drink water instead of soda, I recycled my clothing, I turn off unnecessary lighting. There are many ways to save money.
2006-08-26 20:17:29 UTC
Put in in annuity funds. E.g. Life insurance, you pay 8 years worth of premiums, and after 10 or 15 years, you get a stream of annual payment for the rest of your life, plus the life insurance itself. And this sort of insurance also lets you cash out early in case you need the money.

This way you are "forced" to save some money and you can't be tempted to tap into this fund.
2006-08-26 09:17:04 UTC
walk more instead of wasting money to gas up the car.don't splurge when you get your paycheck and get only necessary things.cut down clothes shopping to only a few times a year,and don't go out as much.just don't buy anything that you absolutely don't need.and save an old shoebox and everytime you get paid stuff a dollar in it or maybe 2 or 3 dollars.Open that box in a year or so and go shopping for fun!
2014-10-28 15:00:44 UTC
keep a saving account that you NEVER TOUCH!

3. leave all credit cards at home.

4. give myself a cash allowance every paycheck and only, I mean only spend that cash during the week. No ATM withdrawal or ATM purchase transactions.

5. make my own coffee and bring my own sweet bev. out with me instead of buying it 'on the streets'.

6. make my lunch and stick to only eating that for lunch-not fast food,etc.

7. never lend out money...

8. don't give to panha
2006-08-26 11:26:47 UTC
For starters,Stop the excessive spending like going out to eat,shopping for clothes or buying things you dont need.Open a savings account.If your employer has direct deposit available,ask that Percentage of your check goes into savings.You will not see it or you will not miss it.

If you are planning on retirement;Look into several 401K or Roth IRA you can start investing in.The more you put in;the better off you will be when you retire
2006-08-26 16:17:50 UTC
The best way to save some money is put it in the bank and never take it out. It has worked for me. I went from 0 to 2000 dollars. By saving and putting it all in the bank, and never taking it out. It's called, "will power!"
2006-08-26 12:01:01 UTC
The best way to save money is what I do is keep all the change that you get..That adds up really fast..Take out 20 bucks a week and put it to the side or don't spend your money on things that you don't need..
2006-08-25 04:04:26 UTC
First of all, save for a reason otherwise, you find yourself dipping into your saving fund. Next, pay yourself first!! So after taxes and essential bills, e.g., mortgage or rent, have a standing order to another savings account to make your monthly savings. Also, bear in mind that the best savings rate you could have would be to pay off your debts. You're unlikely to get a savings rate that will pay you interest after tax that is higher than the amount of interest you're paying in debt.

All the best.
2006-08-26 20:09:23 UTC
Hi beabouttown,I have found that thee first thing that needs to be done is to make a list day by day for a whole mth. of every penny spent.Then take that list and earnestly go down it and recognize the ill spent and eliminate it from your next mth. budget.There are many other ways,but this would be a great first step.Most important is to be honest with yourself. Take care,
s t
2006-08-25 17:14:33 UTC
never buy on simple impulse. buy when you need an item...not when you want an item. shop around...but not exhaustively i.e. if you want a toothbrush for ex. and it costs 3 dollars in one drugstore and only 1 dollar in an out-of-town store...don't spend 10 dollars on gasoline to get the 1 dollar toothbrush. I guess -- you understand what I mean. Saving is good -- but total better. Calculate all direct and indirect costs..when you do shop. On top of that -- sales taxes...add up compare sales taxes, exchange rates, tax implications (whether you can write the item off -- such as medical supplies etc...) You have to do a bit of a save. Hope it helps...some people spend a save ...and then they take off...No one knows and they themselves don't know where their savings ended up.
2006-08-26 07:05:45 UTC
first of all get all your debt paid off...highest yielding intrest rates first. Pay two extra house notes and car notes per year...stop eating out...get rid of cable, and any other little thing you don't absolutely need. Like your third automobile...add rental to your auto insurance to rent if yours breaks down. Save by automatic

check deposit to your bank, have it set up that 75% goes into your savings account. If your company has a credit union...use it! If your company offers a 401K deposit the most possible in the safest catigory. Refinance your home for a lower intrest rate...keep it at that...or add as much as the bank will allow you and have them pay off your credit cards and or auto loans...Now you are down to one bill...You have cut up your credit cards, your car is your own...and your intrest rate on you home is lower...Now

everyone needs one credit card...for car rentals, holding a motel

room in advance...At your Bank or Credit Union...Open a new credit card with a single digit intrest rate with onlly $1,500.00 available credit on it or even lower...but have it set up with that they pay the full available amount toward the you owe that much or not...these automatic payments from your bank will put money in your pocket when it is needed... and you would never be able to over spend again on your credit card. You

are now back in control of your life...Oh and that cell phone...if you have a cell phone...why do you have a land line? Get rid of the land line...Oh and if you leave lights on at home for people to think you are there when you are gone...QUIT! Just post a sign that the property is contaminated by radiation and put some yellow tape accross the area...or even put crime scene accross the area...just kidding...simply put shift worker sleeping please go away and that will do the job! If you have a water leak fix it HURRY...that is costing you more than you would imagine... If your commode runs, get a plumber to put an updated system in the tank that will save you money...or if you can do it yourself, If you go outside more and get exercise you will not be so energetic to spend money! If you would read more instead of watch expensive entertainment that would save more than just money! If you would always make it a rule to sale 10 items that you own in order to purchase just one new would deter you from making new purchases. This one works well with clothing...We simply do not need so many clothes, shoes, we induldge in so much that we are acutally storing things that we do not use for years and years it is just silly! Sale everything in storage and make an extra house note...or pay for a vacation!

If you can not bear to sale it...why are you storing it to give it away to your children when you die...give it to them now...let them store the stuff if they want it! Save some money!
2006-08-25 21:39:22 UTC
I always found it was easier to save when the money was saved "for me." If you have a job with direct deposit, open up a savings account and have a certain amount (can be small, just so it's something) automatically deposited into the savings account. If you know it's there, but know you can't touch it, the money will add up.
2006-08-25 21:14:10 UTC
Read, how to become a millionaire?

Basically, you have to be frugal.

Instead of buying a brand new car or leasing a car. You buy a used car.

save at least 10% of your earned $$$ each month and put into a savings or a retirement fund.

And of course, if you inherent $$$ that is a plus....
2006-08-27 07:04:35 UTC
this is what i do everyday..before i go out from the house or when i get home from work or something i will surely leave 1 dollar coin in my purse-bank.that's everyday...haha and i ask my husband to leave 1 dollar (or more than that) in the purse-bank so i have now a savings..hope you can save.resist the temptation of spending too much esp if it is not that important.
2016-03-05 10:18:44 UTC
If you don't have a budget, or if you don't know where every cent you have goes, I would first take care of that problem. (You can get a basic budget book at Staples or any office store. Better yet you can get software like Quicken or MS Money to manage your spending.)
2006-08-26 21:14:19 UTC
Do ruffly budget and determine your limit to save each month.

Keep part of your pay check untouchable in a saving account.

Ask your self before spend any money, is it important because I want to buy ? or because I really need it. spend money to get things that you really need.

find out the amount or quantity as much as needs.

Just be patient and you will get used to save. good luck.
2006-08-26 10:06:15 UTC
I don't buy anything that I can't pay for. I use credit cards, but only if I HAVE the money already. I pay them off every month and therefore earn their rewards, but do not pay interest.

Try to eat out less, read labels and such. I also think, do I NEED this, WANT this... or what and go from there. If I NEED it, I get it... If I WANT it... I think twice...

Good Luck!
Sassy OLD Broad
2006-08-26 04:16:23 UTC
Pay yourself first, say 10% of whatever you bring home. Put it in the bank. Next, start putting your loose change and maybe your $1 bills into a large container every evening when you get home. It will really add up in a few months.
2006-08-26 02:20:33 UTC
Clear your credit card debt

One of the golden rules of financial planning is to clear your most expensive debts first, in other words your credit cards. OK, credit cards offer a convenient way to pay for goods and services but if you can't clear the balance every month, consider a low-cost loan as an alternative
2014-11-18 18:53:27 UTC
I don't quite understand the concept of a wedding desert reception, but what the heck. What happened to cake at the reception? But, to answer your question....I'd do inexpensive parfaits....go to restaurant supply store and get parfait cups. Layer vanilla pudding, chocolate sauce, angel food or any type of cake or brownie,fruit compote, and mixed berries. Top with cool whip and a mint leaf. Sounds complicated, but super easy. "Stage" the ingredients. Easy easy and cheap. Have fun!
2006-08-27 03:01:06 UTC
don't buy things u don't need (even u think u need...)even they are cheap, after a while u see how much u spent for stupid and unuseful things, this way u can save every month a quantity of money, save it at the side - better in a saving plan in the bank
2006-08-26 17:02:59 UTC
aww man you have like 100+ answers to this so u prolly wont get around to my question and i no i wont get best answer :( but the thing to do is take half the money you get, (birthdays,job,etc.) and put it in the bank no matter what!!! the only way to take it out is for food and bills if u need more money but try to conserve and pretend that the half the money you recieved is ALL the money you have and you'll save alot of money
2006-08-26 05:06:15 UTC
I have a savings account and i put money in once every month. The money i get i divide so i have enough to buy important things that i need, and the rest goes into my bank account.
2006-08-25 23:54:35 UTC
Take 10% of everything you make and put it away. Don't touch it, and just forget it even exists. It will add up quick! Also, try to cut back on the little extras you know you can live without. (like new clothes or going out to restaurants)
2006-08-26 18:33:47 UTC
Take a certain percentage from your paycheck each time and act like it is a bill---pay it by putting it aside in a savings account at your bank and leave it alone. When you get into this habit, it becomes second nature and you don't miss it.
2006-08-25 02:51:12 UTC
I started transferring some of my paycheck to savings as soon as I got paid, which helped. I gave up Starbucks, except for occasionally, and I cook at home more often instead of eating out. I think it's easier to save money a little at a time. Little changes really add up after a while.
2015-01-28 03:07:48 UTC
If you're used to eating out a lot, try eating at home more. There are even some things you eat at the restaraunt you can make yourself, like a Mexican pizza, or McDonald's McGriddle sandwiches.
Poker P
2006-08-26 14:07:14 UTC
Open a savings account and set some aside each paycheck. Once you have a reserve built up, open an IRA and start saving on a regular basis in it.
2006-08-25 20:32:24 UTC
There are a number of very good ideas in the answers to your question. But the key is to choose some that fit who you are and start doing them. Ideas don't work. Ideas, put into sustained action, work.
2006-08-25 15:15:32 UTC
This is more a long term solution. Save all your coin change instead of carrying it around. Invest in a cheapee coin sorter. Open a savings just for it. And periodically deposit your dough. I managed to save a couple hundred dollars in 3 or 4 months. It sounds silly but WOW it really adds up fast!
2006-08-25 22:08:20 UTC
The easiest way I've found is to make a set deposit to a savings account from every paycheck. The key is to never touch the savings account no matter what.
Dominican angel
2006-08-26 15:27:48 UTC
Create a mony limit for every week. Lyk you could only take out 50dollars a week. Dont go eye hungry and buy everything you want trust me when you dont and end up with more money in your pocket you'll be very very happy.
2006-08-26 06:52:03 UTC
Passive income.

Coz at the moment, you can only save your salary, which is not enough at all. But passive income is way to powerful. You can use your spare time in making passive income and once you starting earning a lot, then you can stop working but still earn money.

To know more about it, let me know.
2006-08-26 06:47:47 UTC
Pay your bills on time, especially the ones connected to your credit, that will save you $ in the long run. Also make sure you dont have lights on when they dont need to be, keep your electricity bill down.
2006-08-26 06:23:02 UTC
I have quit going out to eat at a restaurant. Yeah it takes some time and effort to cook things here at home but it is still cheaper to buy food from a grocery store than to buy something at McDonald's.
2006-08-26 00:07:20 UTC
Open a savings account, a cd for several months or open an ira. Also, if the company you work for has a 401k plan contribute the max if possible.
2006-08-25 23:52:52 UTC
Make a budget .. Your Receipts and Payments...

Whether all the payments have to be necessarily incurred?

Can you bring down your expenses?

What about your receipts side? Can you increase..

These are some basics but they really provide a better way out.
2006-08-26 08:19:46 UTC
The best way i learned to save money is to, not use credit cards, try to use cash,every pay day put some money away even if it's 10.00 or what ever it ADDS UP!!!! You will be so happy when you look to see it growing. there are many ways to save money but live your life too.
2006-08-26 20:00:12 UTC
Not spend it and keep it somewhere or in something that isn't convenient to get to when I'm running a little short. Another thing that I do is put small bills in my books and planner; I usually forget that I put them there and usually "find" them by accident.
2006-08-25 15:40:24 UTC
Put 5-10 dollars in a bag every week and hide the bag from yourself-so u don't spend it

Ive tried this and it works

also use cash not cards
2006-08-26 17:21:00 UTC
Pay yourself 10%, before you pay anybody else and take 5% of that and say this is for this item,and don't touch it until you are ready to buy that item. The cool thing about it, you paid for it, no bill!
2006-08-26 06:04:16 UTC
i find a spot and hide it and pretend its not there until i have saved enough for whatever it is im saving for.sounds crazy but works for me. see if i have all my money together i am more willing to spend it but if i dont have it on me then its safe!!just remember whee you put it!! ive done that so much i really forgot about some money that i hid!
2006-08-25 14:45:41 UTC
Try saving 75% of all the money you own. Even if it's just a dime, you know that 3 cents you can spend and seven cents goes in savings. You're sure to save up some money this way. And remember, what you save, don't spend it until you reach your goal!
2006-08-26 03:41:27 UTC
Think 10 times before buying, may not necessary to buy things rarely used, open a recurring deposit account..
kim b
2006-08-25 20:19:59 UTC
invest fully in any pensions your employer has.

have your savings bonds, retirement, thrift programs, etc. taken out BEFORE you get your check. .. money that you don't have in your hand, you won't spend.

don't use credit cards unless you are absolutely certain you can pay them off each month.

each day, put all your change in a big jar. you'd be surprised how fast it adds up.

good luck
2006-08-25 18:18:39 UTC
Have a savings account figured

right into your budget. such as Rent,


gas,cable, savings. Make the "payment"

every payday and pretty soon you

will have quite an amount saved up.
2006-08-25 16:56:10 UTC
Maybe you should try save it everyday, by small amount. For example: save $10 everyday then you may get $300 at the end of the month. The amount is alternative, you can choose your own amount to save.
2006-08-25 02:50:10 UTC
Use cash instead of cards at all times. I makes a huge difference and you realise where it all goes to. I now take out an allowance at the beginning of the week and it has to last me. The more sensible I am during the week (taking butties to work, not buying music or snacks), the more beer money I have for Saturday night. It's a great incentive!
2006-08-26 08:50:51 UTC
A wise man once said that a penny saved is a penny earned.

SO IF you want to save money, DO NOT spend it.

2006-08-25 21:27:57 UTC
Saving is the difference between income and expenditure.

You can maximize income by working more hours, stock of exchange...

You can reduce expenditure by: saving lighting , gas, fast food, soft drinks, chocolate....etc
mukesh padhya
2006-08-26 05:11:45 UTC
write down all expenses, budget your future plans, keep rewriting budget every month. invest your savings wisely, i can guide you because i didn't follow these advices and am not able to save any thing so far. marry a rich and miser partner, i did exactly opposite.

good luck! when you have saved enough invest in my company!!
2006-08-25 18:20:15 UTC
I prefer to put it in a savings account. Stuff a mattress with the money is what I always say!
2006-08-25 16:32:11 UTC
Open a bank account and but aleast $100-150 in the account every 2 weeks
2006-08-26 19:39:26 UTC
Stopped eating out and I have money automatically get withdrawn out of my account and into savings. That way if I don't see it I don't spend it.
Annie Girl
2006-08-26 15:49:40 UTC
You could get an extra job. Or, take a certain amount from your paycheck each week aside and put it in savings.
Hoa N
2006-08-25 03:06:07 UTC
First of all, spend less than you make

save 1000-2000 for cash emergency in case your car broke down or house problem, or doctor appointment,so you stop use credit card

control the urge of speding fansy stuff like cloth,car,.basically live within your mean, do not try to live like evryone else, they are broke by suing credit card finance their way of living

In the meantime, try to learn invest the right way

Yes you could learn invest by yourself. it is your money, you should know how to do with it. for starter check this site out.>... university. a lot amount of information. It will serve you well

I accumulate in good amount in 401k at the young age.I could share with you. when consider invest in stock market. you should consider basic 3 things:

fundamental analysis==(economic data,finincial health, management, business model, competetion)>>what to buy

technical analysis==(chart+indicator)>> when to buy

Sentiment/schycho analysis==>>mood of investor, Contrarian point of view.

Market cycle===>> check out book Trader Almanac by jeff hirsch will give you inside stuff

When you combine 3 thing, It is one of the powerful knowledge goinh with you for the rest of your live

At the age of 32. my 401k is amassed 73,000.00 and 30000.00 in taxble account. by follow simple rule
Mopar Muscle Gal
2006-08-25 17:50:49 UTC
have money put into your bank account/credit union by your employer before you get your check


save all loose change- only spend bills

take all loose change and put into a big jar or metal tin

when full.. take to your bank for deposit

save and return empty bottles
2006-08-27 04:49:05 UTC
The best way, in my opinion, is to have an IRA, or if your company offers a 401K, definately the way to go,
2006-08-26 09:36:56 UTC
if you have checking acct, sign up for direct deposit at work. also open up a savings acct and then sign up for automatic deposits from your checking to your savings. it's fast and convenient, plus you won't even miss the money from your checking acct because it'll just go right into your savings acct without you really even noticing...
2006-08-26 20:38:19 UTC
Reduce your spendings. Like buying drinks, cigarettes, junk foods, stay at home every now and then. Just don't spend that much.
cutie pie
2006-08-26 15:40:41 UTC
Do not buy anything unless you absolutely need it. Buy generic brand groceries and get your clothes second hand at thrift shops (they actually sell some really nice brand name clothes)
2006-08-26 21:57:33 UTC
it depends on how much you would like to save and how much you make. if you would like to save a little money, don't endulge yourself that often, if you would like to save a lot, well, i don't know...
2006-08-26 19:43:59 UTC
Get a CD (Certificate of Deposit) at a bank. It doesn't make that much money, but it keeps money locked up, so you can't spend it.
2006-08-26 00:57:33 UTC
Put it in a saving account. Better yet do a IRA. Then you don't pay any tax until you turn them over.
2006-08-25 21:12:45 UTC
To stop spending. I have minimised my wants so as to reduce spending and increse in the amount saved and invested.
2006-08-27 06:06:27 UTC
Direct deposit a certain percentage of your pay into a savings acct.
2006-08-26 10:47:38 UTC
If you drink or smoke, stop. Buy clothes at Wal-Mart and Goodwill, get Generic Brand everything, and don't buy things unless you have to.
2006-08-25 02:51:08 UTC
i write everything that i spend down. because after i wrote everything down, then i know how much i spent and where to cut off.

the i stopped using credits card that has monthly or annual fees. i cut all my credit cards except those with no annual fees. i still keep one for emergency or to book flight tickets on line.

but everything else i used cash for purchases. i like to use the enveloped method where i allocated cash for each expenses in marked envelopes, like an enveloped for bills, for groceries, for rent and for my car payments. this so i wont over spend my cash on something frivolous.
2006-08-26 07:42:44 UTC
Save your allowance as a teen lol
2006-08-25 15:13:10 UTC
Possibly by investing a business that is very successful. Doubling your investment through either business or real estate, Private notes or Other investments are always good ways to make increases to your money rather than in a bank.
2006-08-26 12:27:47 UTC
Here, in Brazil, we hide the money of the Brazilian politicians.
2006-08-26 10:38:38 UTC
I put aside a jar. I put all my change in it and never take anyout. (I can't, it has a hole in the top so it prevents mme from opening it.) I also limit my purchases. Good Luck!
2006-08-25 02:51:05 UTC
Buy a bike and cycle to work. Get rid of your car !

We've bought another freezer for the shed, and we bulk buy food from out a hell of a lot cheaper !

Got through your finances, and see what your paying out for in a month. then cut down in areas where you think you don't need to spend money !
2006-08-26 17:51:50 UTC
Take $30 a week out of your check every week and put it away.
2006-08-26 17:07:56 UTC
Dont smoke dont drink dont have a girl freind dont buy anything you dont need and invest wisely in the stock market. also use E-85 gasolene
2006-08-26 06:08:21 UTC
write down everything u buy - lyk a diary, for about a week and then look over it at the end and see what you cud hav dun wivout
2006-08-25 21:35:44 UTC
Put it in a savings account
2006-08-25 19:17:08 UTC
Open a savings account and put money in it every week once you get 100.00 in there it will start collecting interest....
2006-08-25 15:57:19 UTC
If you live with your parents, thats a really good way to make money, and not spend that much, you could only buy things that you couln't live with out, you could beg for money jk. You could put as much money as you make in the bank. Just a few suggestions.
2006-08-26 11:09:01 UTC
I stopped being a drug addict. Saved a ton of cash. (that otherwise would have been spent on drugs) Do you have any bad habits or addictions that cost you, that you could cut down on?
2006-08-26 06:43:28 UTC
The best way to save money is to not spend money
2006-08-26 05:45:54 UTC
There are only two things you need to do:

1. Spend less than you earn.

2. Pay yourself first.

That's it!
2006-08-27 02:31:39 UTC
Have direct deposit, and an allotment automaticly goes to savings!

Nick D
2006-08-25 20:36:17 UTC
What worked for me to manage my finances was Quicken, it figures your money that you have to use for bills and tells you how much you will have left to spend.
2006-08-26 12:24:42 UTC
lock up halve your earnings somewhere and 4get about it. that worked 4 me! i could only put money in. it was hard 4 me to open it, so i left it alone and let the money pile up.
2006-08-26 10:13:09 UTC
don't spend alot of it.and if u drink, don't,that spends most of it.and if u smoke either slow down or stop. only use the mony when its an emergincy. and cloths,shoes,make-up,and other stuff like that are not an emergincy.
fata din vis
2006-08-26 08:37:21 UTC
Stop smoking,drinking...or spending money on useless things, if you do so...If not,try to reduce the things you consume most!
2006-08-26 21:00:26 UTC
Best way to save money...not spend it in the 1st place, unless you have to!!.
Mrs. Butler ♥2 B♥
2006-08-25 23:12:18 UTC
Put it in an account that needs two signatures to withdraw money from with someone you trust.
2006-08-26 06:50:42 UTC
save part of your income for emergencies and don't let yourself spend it by making a separate bank account.
2006-08-26 12:22:21 UTC
I have got a savings account and put $50.00 in every single it was a payment so I wouldn't spend it!!!...But, you can put any amount you want!!!
2006-08-27 04:51:06 UTC
Buy bonds! EE bonds (double e bonds), H bonds, and I bonds. You can get them for as little as 25 dollars. You can learn more about them at the following link.
2006-08-26 10:04:37 UTC
take a certain amount out of your pay every month and put it into your savings account.
2006-08-25 19:19:34 UTC
You need some money management tips read some on this site
the last fartbender
2006-08-26 12:21:27 UTC
eat sandwiches.set the a/c to highest bearable temperture.if you go out alot go out less.the little things add up you know.
2006-08-27 01:55:20 UTC
give it to me..i'll save sum of ur money for u
2006-08-26 21:01:57 UTC
Stop buying the things you WANT and only buy the things you NEED
2006-08-26 03:18:22 UTC
Stop spending money until when you feel you've saved enough
2006-08-27 00:31:11 UTC
Make more money than you spend.
C h e e z C ஐ k e
2006-08-26 04:51:21 UTC
deposit a little bit of money in an account that you never touch every month and they add up before you know it!
2006-08-25 21:51:02 UTC
Dont buy things that you dont really need. Go with out somethings.
2006-08-26 19:22:39 UTC
stop buying things you don't need (clothes, shoes, going out to eat, etc)

just pay your bills and sacrifice
2006-08-26 07:27:07 UTC
set aside a percentage of your monthly income
2006-08-26 21:47:54 UTC
Don't spend it. No matter how tempting it is!
2006-08-26 21:37:13 UTC
2006-08-27 03:36:27 UTC
don't do drugs. don't ever buy on impulse.plead poverty but don't lie to use other peoples money. don't use credit cards.
2006-08-26 07:05:39 UTC
Only buy things that you really need. Not just things that you want.
2006-08-25 02:54:23 UTC
Self-discipline. Read "Rich Man Poor Man".
Meg S
2006-08-26 07:36:47 UTC
work; make a good budget, stick to it and do not buy a starbucks coffee every day.
Thomas S
2006-08-26 05:45:41 UTC
Don't spend it, stuff it all under your matress. Do not trust the jews with it.
2006-08-26 09:06:58 UTC
I am too busy working to spend it.
2006-08-26 09:06:37 UTC
walmart it's even fun to say.oh and make a savings acount and don't smoke drink.
2006-08-26 18:41:34 UTC
create a reasonable budget
2006-08-25 03:44:02 UTC
Savings account at a bank. Great way to save money, and you get interest as well which means more cash for you.
2006-08-27 07:08:06 UTC
DON'T put it in the bank.If you've got it,THEY want
2006-08-26 19:39:48 UTC
Don't go on shopping sprees
2006-08-25 15:55:19 UTC
put it into a place where it is really difficult to get your hands on until the need justifies the means.
2006-08-26 20:49:15 UTC
put some in the bank every week.
2006-08-26 11:16:28 UTC
Get a very good coffee machine, and don't go so often to cafe's.
2006-08-25 19:43:17 UTC
I go with the first guy, lmmfao
2006-08-26 08:27:16 UTC
Buy only what u need,not what u want.
2006-08-25 18:39:59 UTC
Not spending it usually works.
2006-08-26 13:38:59 UTC
this is one of the simplest things to answer JUST DONT SPEND ANY
2006-08-27 06:24:00 UTC
Get a swearing jar!
I'm alive .. still
2006-08-25 17:58:22 UTC
Make a budget and stick to it.
2006-08-26 19:16:58 UTC
no spending.. i hope you are a member of congress asking this question
2006-08-26 17:30:55 UTC
dont smoke

stop buying bottled water

and dont buy on impulse
2006-08-26 10:48:21 UTC
stop going to the mall.i let my mom pay for my things.
deby k
2006-08-25 19:38:57 UTC
I ♥ Goth Guys
2006-08-26 01:55:00 UTC
Stop buying shi_t.
2006-08-26 14:33:12 UTC
stop buying unnecessary things
2006-08-25 03:13:58 UTC
Fast money ? sell some fo your old things ...
jk poet
2006-08-26 23:28:58 UTC
2006-08-26 10:03:52 UTC
by putting it in a bank.
priyanka m
2006-08-25 23:03:46 UTC
cut short ur expenditure
2006-08-25 18:02:54 UTC
If you have access to direct deposit, pay yourself first, then pay everyone else.
2006-08-26 14:13:19 UTC
cut up your cash card
2006-08-25 22:43:43 UTC
don't spend it on junk only things you need
Lil Angel 68
2006-08-25 19:04:16 UTC
C.D's (bank)

savings account

under your mattress

and just don't loan out money............

Good Luck...............
Tigers Gal!
2006-08-25 19:19:57 UTC
lock it up and let your friend keep the key.
Iain T
2006-08-25 02:48:40 UTC
Stop drinking for a while. You save a fortune.
2006-08-27 00:36:03 UTC
You need to keep it
2006-08-26 08:58:34 UTC
save your pocket money . waittttttttttttt.... i have not tried it yet
2006-08-26 22:01:32 UTC
not wasting it, of course '-º
2006-08-26 23:41:50 UTC
Stop buying worthless crap!
2006-08-26 17:44:32 UTC
just buy the things you need ..
2006-08-26 01:36:23 UTC
get rid of the cancer sticks
2006-08-26 10:05:55 UTC
just use it for food and bills, no luxuries
2006-08-26 05:50:10 UTC
Ya well ummm

chef spicey
2006-08-26 06:45:49 UTC
dont leave your home, dont use phone, stay off computer, lol
2006-08-25 02:49:01 UTC
2006-08-26 18:18:50 UTC
2006-08-26 09:16:14 UTC
Don't spend it
2006-08-26 05:17:38 UTC
go cheap
2006-08-26 20:04:56 UTC
dont spend it
2006-08-25 18:59:02 UTC
only spend money on things u REALLY ABSOLUTLEY NEED.
nice guy
2006-08-26 22:45:11 UTC
dont spend much!
2006-08-25 22:40:25 UTC
do NOT use credit cards
2006-08-26 03:24:59 UTC
well,you have to plan your future.stick to your plan
2006-08-25 18:26:13 UTC
not spend it
2006-08-26 14:36:17 UTC
not to spend it.
2006-08-26 12:23:32 UTC
don't spend it
Dope boy magic
2006-08-25 16:53:44 UTC
not spend it.duh
2006-08-27 01:11:04 UTC
dont spend./
2006-08-26 18:22:44 UTC
don't spend it
2006-08-26 10:31:58 UTC
don't spend it
2006-08-25 15:29:55 UTC
just don't buy things...only nessessities!
2006-08-26 20:32:25 UTC
don't spend it!
2006-08-26 13:23:48 UTC
2006-08-25 15:10:26 UTC
Take your clothing to the Salvation Army then buy them back, its cheaper than dry cleaning.

Bring your own cheese to McDonalds to add to a burger.

Bring your own cup to McDonalds and refill it.

Take Canadian Tire money to Arkansas and tell that its Canadian dollars.

Tell everyone on yahoo answers that you have a list of money saving ideas for $10.
2006-08-25 02:49:59 UTC
Stop eating,drinking,smoking and buying food and clothes, that might work.
2006-08-26 13:28:36 UTC
don't buy anything...DUH!!!!! LOL !!!
2006-08-25 15:21:40 UTC
Dragon Empress
2006-08-25 02:53:57 UTC
Barry W
2006-08-25 02:48:26 UTC
stay away from women

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.