Moving out can be very expensive. Most apartments require a 12 month lease. If you have trouble paying rent or lose your job, you will have to pay a big penalty to break the lease early. The penalty to break a lease early is often 2-3 months rent plus an administrative fee paid in one lump sum. It can easily cost you between 2000 and 3000 dollars.
Here are some rough guidelines you can use when you start planning the move to your first apartment.
Monthly Rent = annual salary divided by 12
Security Deposit = one month’s rent
Furniture = one to two months’ rent
Starter Equipment = $250-$500 (Check Amazon for great prices on top brands.)
Starter Pantry & Staples $75-$100
Example @$30,000 starting salary:
First Month’s Rent $750
Security Deposit $750
Furniture $1,125
Starter Equipment $ 375
Starter Pantry & Staples $ 85
Total Initial Cash $3,085
Example @$20,000 starting salary:
First Month’s Rent $500
Security Deposit $500
Furniture $500
Starter Equipment $ 250
Starter Pantry & Staples $ 75
Total Initial Cash $1,825
In addition to your rent payment, you will have utilities such as water and electricity. You also might have a cable bill, phone bill and internet bill. The costs add up very quick. It would be more affordable for you to live with your parents while you're still in school. You won't be able to save much money while paying for school and an apartment.