depends on a lot of factors only you can answer
last car i owned cost me 750 (thats right 750)
it was 10 years old when i got it-
kept it 4 years and in those 4 years it cost me 750 in repairs then i scrapped it
so 1500 over 4 years = 400/year
never bothered about minor damage like you do with a new car cos i knew i was gonna scrap it eventually and damage dont change its scrap value)
(somebody drove into the side of it once and dented the door- told them not to bother with insurance and just give us 50 and forget it cos it wasnt worth the hassle filling out insurance forms and taking it to be fixed (i would have taken 25 if they had argued)
(p.........s it was fully insured- funny thing was - it cost less to be fully insured than for collision only)
then i got 200 back from the scrap dealer
how does that compare with getting a new car?
probably cost 400/ year just in servicing (cos most cars you have to have serviced at an authorised garage in order to preserve the warranty)
with mine i allowed 300/year in maintenance+repairs to keep it on the road - more than that i scrap it and get another
so thats say 1000/year maximum cost (you have to be dumb with cars not to be able to judge if it shall last a year without major problems or just unlucky, if you are you get somebody to look it over for you)
it boils down to - do you want the "image" a new car gets you?- or the practicality and economics of an old one?