The tax foundation is a right-wing think tank that still thinks the Laffler curve is a real thing. Funded by the Koch brothers. They said the same thing about Clinton's tax plan in 1993, and were screaming about Obama's tax plan in 2009 (funny how both presidents presided over massive job and economic growth). They also were screaming that there would be this massive 'brain drain' under Obama over companies being unable to use their bailout money for corporate bonuses, because nothing says 'free market capitalism' like rewarding people for destroying the global economy.
The job loss numbers are laughable as the Koch brothers project. If someone presented this as they have, I'd fire them for incompetence. If this were true (it's not) then you'd have had 0 unemployment under the fat orange man. Employers hire people based on need, not on who's in the White House. Meanwhile the Koch brothers projected massive job growth under Trump and Bush 43. WRONG.
There are literally hundreds of reasons for wages to go up or down. A big reason for the suppression in wage growth? Efforts by the Koch brothers to enact 'right to work' laws which limit union participation, which lowers wages and their spending billions to lobby against raising the minimum wage because your country's attitude is "screw the poors".
USGDP is down because your fat Orange moron destroyed your economy, which won't get turned around until they get COVID under control, which won't happen until the MAGA chuds decide to wear masks, socially distance and wash their hands (and accept that they won't be able to eat 8 pounds of slurry in an indoor restaurant anytime soon). Tourism/hospitality accounts for around 10% of USGDP and millions of jobs.
Stock investment is down because companies took their Trump tax cut money and simply did buybacks of stock with it. They didn't hire people (because you hire based on NEED), they didn't increase wages (supply and demand, minimum wage laws combined with union participation are the biggest drivers of that), and generally speaking, they didn't do what direct payments provide for- an actual boost to the economy.
When people got COVID payments they did things like pay rent, buy groceries, pay utilities. Money that primarily stayed in their local region. But X Company CEO didn't do any of that; he bought back stock, hid a bunch of it in overseas tax shelters, and didn't actually spend money.
Here in Canada people who lost their job got CAD$2000 per month.