Well, since you don't mention any other mysterious charges, I can only think of two possibilities.
One is that Tulsa is a clearing house for all credit card payments made at Church's Chicken in your area, and that that's where the billing is done through. That's not very likely, however.
I think it's most likely that someone had a problem with their credit card, and a clerk entered the number by hand, and made a mistake and entered a digit wrong somewhere. I have friends who have had that happen.
I don't know about your bank, but with mine, all charges and debit transactions either have a phone number, or a code which the bank can use to find me the phone number. You may want to call the place where the purchase was made, and verify what it was, and make sure that they don't have some sort of weird centralized system for charging credit cards.
Also, call your bank and tell them that there's a mistake, and that you need the charges to be reversed. They should be cooperative.
Just to make sure that someone hasn't stolen your card number, be sure to monitor your account carefully for the next few weeks. If you can look at your account on the web, that's ideal, as you can check it several times a day and make sure there are no weird charges showing up. If another one shows up, it means it's time to cancel the card.
You may also want to contact the three credit reporting agencies and tell them to put a temporary hold on your credit file. That will make it so that if someone tries to open a line of credit with your information, they cannot do it. Any merchant or lender who does an inquiry will get a message that there is a hold, and they will not be able to open any accounts or lend to anyone. You, however, can open it back up at will.
Good luck.