Mom wants me to pay rent!?
2017-07-30 00:42:27 UTC
okay so I just turn 18 and im currently looking for a job because I want to start being responsible. Next year im graduating high school and as soon as I graduate im going to a special effect makeup school. Anyways I'm just currently going to start to work and I was talking with my mom what things I should pay for when I have money. I told her I was planning on paying for the electric bill which every month the bill comes at $200 or $240 I have two turtles so their aquarium things take a lot of electricity!also I said I was paying for the Internet bill and the gas bill. And every week give her money for food and I also want to buy things for me and pay for my phone bill and try to save up for my school and a car. My mom works and her bf works too! They both make a decent amount of money to pay rent which is $1150 a month, and they're paying for both of their cars, their car insurance and their phone bills and food. So like I said I was going to pay for electric bill,internet bill,gas bill, and give her money for food. I also need to buy my turtles food, my dogs food.I shared room with my sister After I told her what I was going to payed for and why I had to save up money too for my studies and car. She said it wasn't enough and that I still had to pay rent even after I told her that it wasn't fair because I shared rooms with my sister plus Im not going to make a lot of money.My sister told me I was cheap and I don't know what do you guys think?
97 answers:
2017-08-03 21:16:18 UTC
Your mom is cold as ice.....
2017-07-31 23:03:50 UTC
Probably because you don't listen to her, you don't do what you're told, you don't take good advice. THERES A REASON! START HELPING OUT! START BEING CONSIDERATE! AND YOU WOULDNT HAVE TO PAY RENT! TOO LATE NOW! YOU F'ED UP! DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES!
2017-07-31 22:04:00 UTC
Better to learn what its like to have expenses now than later. I was spoiled from the cradle until 26 and I am paying for it now. Im 29. Its to be just now learning how to be an adult in one's late 20s.
2017-07-31 21:52:58 UTC
I never charged my son rent as long as he was in school and making good grades. He was required to have a part time job for spending money, his cell bill and gas for his car. He did one of our cars and we did pay his insurance. I never felt the need for rent money. We wanted him to excel in his studies, that was what was important. He is almost 40 with a family and a great career. He pays my cell bill now. I know many people do not agree with me and that is fine.
2017-07-31 19:16:04 UTC
I think it is perfectly reasonable for your parents to want you to split the rent with them if you still live with them after the age of 18 years old. They are trying to teach you that good things in life along with life's necessities are obtained by working and not by laying around doing nothing all day. Caring for your pets is one thing, but you need a roof over your head first and foremost. That is what they are trying to teach you, and I think they absolutely should expect you to pay rent if you live there past the age of 18.

Not only that, but you should be paying half of all of the bills....electricity, food, clothing, water, etc. you should also be paying for your own Internet access or half of their's, half the cable bill, and your entire cell phone bill. It's time to grow up and start acting like an adult.
2017-07-31 04:24:09 UTC
So what amount of the household bills is that bf presently paying? I think he talked your mom into living together in the home that you, sister and mom live in so he can pay less than he paid before he moved in. I don't know your entire situation, therefore, you need to talk with a friend who knows your mom also and what that bf is doing so you can be advised about how to make a decision on whether to remain in that house or rent a place with a friend and each pay half of all expenses.

I seem to be getting strange feelings about that bf, and feel that perhaps he is running up home bills and your mom does not want to say anything to him, so wants you to cover those extra bills.
2017-07-31 03:50:35 UTC
2017-07-31 02:44:38 UTC
Who touched my gun
2017-07-30 16:18:45 UTC
every one uses the water, electricity, internet and gas in that house which obviously is four people, if you pay all the electricity, internet and gas bill, that eliminates that expense for them to come up with

and you don't have a room of your own but share with a sister so charging you rent is ridiculous
2017-07-30 01:06:33 UTC
Ur mom is trying to screw u.

Simple child.

Once you get a JOB u can pay her ONE week take home pay to cover everything.

Her boy-friend is a scank.

As for turtles, child u don't have a clue how little electricity costs and they USE.

Please find educated adults locally to explain why how where what when to u fast least they try to rip u OFF.

Ur sister is Stupid enough to shut up.

Since u still in school, mom can't throw u out.

Mom and boy-friend are trying to screw u.

One week take home pay for everything except ur pets food.
2017-08-02 20:43:44 UTC
Your mom is doing her damndest to teach you responsibility. However, you are 18, now an adult. Up until 18 it is common for certain types of parents to figure okay, my child is 18. Time to teach them how to be an adult.

I personally don't think it's fair she is having you help pay for bills. Regardless if you are 18 or not, you are still in high school, and I think children shouldn't have to worry about that kind of **** until they have graduated high school. It's a lot

. I predict you haven't had a job before which lots of high schoolers don't. Many high school students also have jobs so they can make money for either things they want to buy or to save for a college education.

would suggest negotiating with her. Make a promise to her and yourself that you will get a job and start making some type on income. Just to show her you're making an effort to learn the value of a dollar.

STRESS THE FACT that you are working to save for college. Start from there
2017-08-02 17:05:01 UTC
Move out and find a very cheap place. If you are paying all the bills for those things it should be enough if you are also helping out.
2017-08-02 13:57:41 UTC
Help her
Mr. Wizard
2017-08-02 13:03:39 UTC
This is not all that bad an idea IF terms / conditions are agreed upon between you and mom:

1) Your share of the rent comes out to $250 to $300; this is a fair and FIXED monthly rent rate, NOT subject

to increases. Your residency at Mom s also carries NO ADDITIONAL FEES: $ 250 to $300 a month is firm and final. ALL RENT collected from you is to be paid in timely manner as set by Mom ( property owner ) per month

of YOUR residency in Mom's apartment.

2) ALL RENT collected from you goes into a bank SAVINGS account in YOUR name. While actively renting


a) Will NOT be spent by Mom, her boyfriend/companion, AND/OR your siblings.

b) WILL NOT be spent by YOU, until and not before, YOU VACATE Mom s apartment and live on your own.

3) Upon your vacating Mom s apartment to live on your own, mentioned SAVINGS ACCOUNT record book, checks and debit card attached to said SAVINGS ACCOUNT, is completely handed over to you for the WISE use to abate and ease living expenses and other price inflated expenses that comes with seeking higher education beyond High School ( trade school, community or university college ).


*** PRINT full LEGAL name and SIGN BELOW that. *** Make copies of this contract; original goes in safe deposit box ATTACHED to mentioned SAVINGS ACCOUNT.
2017-08-02 12:47:01 UTC
You Millennial s... You can t whine your way through life just because you were given a false sense of achievement by getting a trophy just for participating. You said you want to be responsible, well, here it is.
2017-08-02 10:26:44 UTC
I think that what you offered to pay was more than enough, but if your mother wants you to pay rent it should only be 1/4 of the 1150. Does she get child support? The child support should cover your sister's rent! She pays for her own dependants; you didn't give birth to your sister.Bills also should be 1/4. In the end It will probably be close to a wash. You might wanna consider moving out. You could probably find a cheaper apartment, get a room mate, and have your own room. Many states will continue to have the father pay child support if the child is in school up to age 25.If your dad is in the picture I would ask him if he was gonna continue payments while you were in school. Another thing make it clear to her that she can not claim you as a dependent on her taxes. If your gonna be working only one of you can take the deduction. If your only working part-time you could negotiate no rent in exchange for letting her claim you. If she makes decent money she would be a fool not to take this deal. This is only if, and while you are enrolled in school . Make sure the program you are interested in would qualify.

You sound like a nice kid. I hope she isn't taking advantage of you. Oh. and another thing, if you are paying rent, make sure you get a certificate of rent paid so you can claim your share of a renters refund.

If your needing advice on all these issues. State Universities that have a law program hols a free law clinic, and can advise you properly, and according to the laws of your state.

I wish you the best
2017-08-02 08:43:27 UTC
"Ur mom is trying to screw u.

Simple child.

Once you get a JOB u can pay her ONE week take home pay to cover everything.

Her boy-friend is a scank.

As for turtles, child u don't have a clue how little electricity costs and they USE.

Please find educated adults locally to explain why how where what when to u fast least they try to rip u OFF.

Ur sister is Stupid enough to shut up.

Since u still in school, mom can't throw u out.

Mom and boy-friend are trying to screw u.

One week take home pay for everything except ur pets food."
2017-08-01 23:25:44 UTC
Sounds to me like you'd be better off moving out and sharing accomodation with a friend.
2017-08-01 03:49:47 UTC
Your mom will still tell you what to do even if you pay rent.
2017-07-31 19:04:56 UTC
You're 18 so you can legally get your own place now and i sure as **** would. Screw that.
2017-07-31 18:06:16 UTC
If you're still in high school they shouldn't be charging you household expenses! They could let you pay for turtles and your own way.

Maybe they secretly want to put the red t side to give you when you move out?

My 19 year old moved out of state with bf and friends. He's lazy and wants her to work, though he isn't. He does get SSI though. They want to come move in with us, pay$200/ month rent. We'd end up paying out of pocket while they're laying around. That's when you fight for higher rent. Not while your kid is still in high school.
2017-07-31 16:32:23 UTC
she fall your hands
2017-07-31 14:06:42 UTC
You shouldnt have to pay rent when you are 18. You shouldnt have to pay for anything whilst youre still trying to pay for school. How are you going to save for school? Thats so unfair on you!
Common Sense
2017-07-31 03:56:06 UTC
Unless and until you get a job, your mom cannot get any money from you. I would NEVER ask my child for money while they are still attending high school.

Nothing you offer to pay for is even an offer until you begin earning money. Once you get that job, then you will know how much money you will make and therefore can figure out what you can afford to give your mother. When one pays rent while still living at home, it should include your fair share. What you are talking about spending on the household expenses is enough money for half a month's rent. So, you may as well move out and get a roommate to split the rest of the rental cost.

Like I mentioned. No more talking or negotiations ab9ut financially contributing to the household until you at least have a job.
2017-07-31 03:52:19 UTC
I think that your offer to pay gas, electric, phone, and for your pets is a very adult decision of you. If you offered to do this with the intention of following through and not doing so because anyone told you to then I don't see why your mother would have a problem with it. Is it that she wants you to pay more than you offered or are you upset that you offered to pay rent?
2017-07-31 03:33:17 UTC
Good luck.

But I think you may need help.
2017-07-31 02:17:36 UTC
That is unfair. You, your mom, ur dad,etc all own the house so you all have to work. It's yours and your mom's home so you should not pay rent to live in your own home. Talk to your mom and explain to her it's our home. Not yours not mine, it's our home.
2017-07-30 02:58:33 UTC
when does she want all this extra money? you can go to and put in your zipcode and see what rentals will cost you (click on rental). It sounds like they might be taking some type of advantage of your situation, are you working while in high school as well?
2017-07-30 00:49:00 UTC
My personal feeling is that you are just starting out and have offered to pay for the electricity etc. You have not even graduated from high school yet. I understand that your mom's not rich but personally I feel that your suggestions for your contributions are VERY ADEQUATE and your mother should give you AT LEAST 2 YEARS to get your feet on the ground. I'm in my 60s btw
2017-07-30 00:47:51 UTC
i dont think thats fair. go on craigslistand look for a roomate or move out to an apartment
2017-08-02 17:37:55 UTC
I'd advice that you prioritise then only pay for what you can... Don't try to sort every bill because that will end up making you broke and land you onto serious financial problems.
2017-08-02 12:59:10 UTC
just tell her that ur check came short this week and never pay
2017-08-02 08:07:05 UTC
If that makes you feel any better, the morning after my 18th birthday, my dad knocked on my door and told me to move to the basement by the evening.

He has since been renting my room to a student pair.
2017-08-02 04:07:02 UTC
they dont have to make you do anything LEave ThEm
Alright alright alright
2017-08-02 03:41:30 UTC
It is what it is its THERE HOUSE
2017-08-02 01:03:48 UTC
I had to start paying rent and bills as soon as I turned 18 ($120/wk for rent, bills were extra). From age 15 I was contributing to food and foxtel. I didn't have any pets, and I used internet at school.

I don't think it's too much to ask you to pay rent and bills once you turn 18. If you don't like it, move out into the real world.
2017-08-01 19:18:58 UTC
In the real world,Its time to contribute to household expenses,you dont live for free if you have any sense of responsibility to anyone else but yourself,time to start cutting corners likely the way your mum has for years
2017-08-01 04:57:52 UTC
Convert to islam that would really piss your mom off.
2017-08-01 03:27:47 UTC
2017-07-31 22:12:38 UTC
2017-07-31 22:11:50 UTC
Well, considering you are legal, you are no longer obligated to live there. Meaning that she can kick you out whenever. You will just have to try to come to an agreement with her and if you can't, you will have to find somewhere else to stay. Your mom seems fairly strict when it comes to money (more so than mine), but regardless, that is what has to happen. What I (or anyone) think of it really isn't the issue.
2017-07-31 21:05:43 UTC
Responsibility is a *****.
2017-07-31 19:17:17 UTC
Omg guys we really are different cultures, im from Europe(central) and here it is not just considered, but it is like idk as natural as breathing, that you always have place in your parents home free, and plus they feed you xd.

I honestly cant believe a situation where I was studying and that my father comes and asks for money from me.

but then again your banks can kick you on the sreet, and in europe there can never leave you without a home, no matter how much you own. You guys really are ruthless money culture. its so scary for me
2017-07-31 18:57:29 UTC
Whatever seems best to you
2017-07-31 18:10:17 UTC
Hats off to you for even planning this at the age of 18. In your plan you mentioned, I'm not going to make a lot of money. Sad to say that will be true. You jumped the gun offering what you will pay. How can you commit your $$ before you get a job and a first check? I would try it this way: When you get your first check, show it to your mom, and ask her how much she needs. If you have a proud mom, she'll remember her first pay checks and go easier on you. She'll realize that your willingness to help outweighs the dollar amount. The only way that could backfire is if she's greedy.
2017-07-31 16:53:54 UTC
Sounds more than fair but in any case, if you're 18 move out and find a place for yourself. I mean if you were going to pay all you said you were and she was going to charge you rent what's the difference in having your own place?
2017-07-31 03:51:26 UTC
2017-07-31 03:43:20 UTC
But have you considered getting more turtles?
2017-07-31 00:46:38 UTC
Pay your rent,bum
2017-07-30 11:59:25 UTC
Lol, how much do you really think you'll be making at this part-time job (during school) that you don't even have yet? You may want to start actually getting paychecks before you commit to paying for all these expenses.

Unless your family is really poor, they shouldn't be expecting anything more than a nominal contribution from you. They are the actual adults; its their job to pay the bills.
2017-08-03 13:42:50 UTC
Just pay Rent forget paying gas, and other things

just pay rent when you can pay that is what I think.

rent is what about $200. or $300. Ok.

just pay that.
2017-08-03 01:14:01 UTC
bruh legit just kill her
2017-08-02 20:27:52 UTC
You are a lot more responsible than your peers. Be proud of who you have become. Your mom and her bf are adults and have full responsibility for their own expenses. You are your own responsibility at 18 so in all honesty what you pay and don't pay is very personal and not Yahoo answers business. If you and your mom can't agree than its all up to you on how you take care of yourself.
♥Miss Answerer♥
2017-08-02 19:27:54 UTC
You shouldn't pay anymore than $500...otherwise, you should find your own place. You can sublet a room on Craigslist for $300 and not have to obey a parent's orders....FREEDOM.

Also, you could pay the same amount she wants you to pay her and have your OWN room.
2017-08-02 12:57:58 UTC
I don't think your mom should be making you pay rent so long you are in school. That's just added stress, and it's not healthy. Especially if you don't even have your own room.
2017-08-02 05:43:18 UTC
You are having to grow up a little bit faster then the rest of your peers.

Given that situation, be careful to go to college and take out a bunch of student loans because there's a lot of people that get into a lot of financial trouble at a young age when their parents are not paying their way.
The Wayfarer
2017-08-02 04:22:13 UTC
You may find it is still cheaper to live at home rather than moving out on your own

Try to find out how much it costs locally to house share

If you think it is unreasonable best to discuss it (nicely)
2017-08-02 04:20:20 UTC
Adding up all the things you listed, I'd make a rough estimate that you would be paying around $300-400 a month, give or take, on the listed bills you suggested to pay.

Asking for you to pay rent for a room you share on top of the listed bills you would pay is bs to me. If that's going to be the case you might as well get a friend or two and all move into your own place where you would get your own room.

No disrespect to your mother but to tell you that that's not enough on the suggested bills you would pay, shows to me that she doesn't care about your future or your dreams and goals.

You should have another sit down with her and discuss why she feels you need to pay rent on top of the bills knowing you would only be getting roughly 20-30 hours a week.
2017-08-01 16:41:56 UTC
2017-08-01 14:15:34 UTC
3 people are paying the expenses. Say total expenses pr month is 1500.

This should be done one of two ways. Say the 2 adults make 3000 each a month and you make 1000. They each make 3 times what you make in a month. So, you should pay 1/7 of the total bill, 1500/7=214.28.

The other way is, each pays an equal share, 500. Or, you can hook up with 2 or 3 buddies, move out and share expenses.For instance, 3 would be 500 each, 4 would be 375
2017-08-01 11:33:04 UTC
2017-08-01 04:51:38 UTC
2017-08-01 03:22:37 UTC
2017-08-01 02:31:15 UTC
Your mom is trying to screw you over. Sorry :(
2017-08-01 02:12:30 UTC
You honestly should not have to pay rent when you are still in high school, after that is a different story
2017-07-31 21:50:00 UTC
If you're in high school why are you pay gas, water, electric, ETC. I can't imagine that. When I had a job in high school I just had to pay more my phone and a certain amount for car insurance ( not the whole bill). The rest was for spending. You're only going to be working 20-25 hours a week because you have school. You won't have time for anymore and you have money for all those things.
2017-07-31 20:46:59 UTC
You should give your Mom 10% of all you make. Even if you find a dime on the sidewalk. Drop a penney in the cookyjar. Way it was when I was a kid in the 50s 60s. Raised my kids the same way. Once out of highschool you are on your own.
2017-07-31 17:56:59 UTC
OK. You should not pay for your sister. Being cheap is none of her business.
2017-07-31 01:26:11 UTC
Shes trying to rip you
2017-07-30 00:43:01 UTC
Pay up
2017-08-03 01:22:45 UTC
I am so glad you are stepping up helping, but I think you should have waited until your mom told you what to pay. To be honest, I am impressed that you stepped wanting to do your part. It seems to me their is more to this story that you are telling, Your mom and bf is paying for your food, clothing and shelter and its hard out their raising children. My son is 21 years old and have been working since he was in the 11th grade. When he started working I let him keep the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd check and then I said, "ok it's time to be responsible." I told him what he will pay. He take a lot of showers(he pays the water bill), he have a game( he pays internet), he can't stand heat( he pays the light bill when it goes over the limit), he pays half on food. My son have a car which is paid for, he pay his own car insurance and still have money. I am proud of you at least letting your mom know what you are going to pay. I don't understand why she wants more. For your sister, don't pay her any attention. To be honest it makes me think they want to drag you thru the mud or maybe that your Q to pack up and leave and go to a college with a dorm or something. Maybe get an apartment with a friend and y'all split everything.I hope things work out.
2017-08-02 20:46:12 UTC
Do you realize when you get every bill total and have that list and say their is so Manny people living here and devied them by that and of course you will never hear the end of it about you live in the person's houses it is and their the one that has to pay for taxes trash removal updates to the property and Manny other things and I live with this and their is rules threw the state's and can ask for a fair rental agreement with mom and dad and not get screwed and have a receipt for tax write off. I have family that work taking care of apartments.
2017-08-02 13:53:06 UTC
I never charged my son rent as long as he was in school and making good grades. He was required to have a part time job for spending money, his cell bill and gas for his car. He did one of our cars and we did pay his insurance. I never felt the need for rent money. We wanted him to excel in his studies, that was what was important. He is almost 40 with a family and a great career. He pays my cell bill now. I know many people do not agree with me and that is fine.
2017-08-02 13:51:17 UTC
Move out and live with friends or room mates, it will be cheaper, you are getting ripped off and your sister is a deadbeat.
2017-08-02 13:48:04 UTC
Bro move out. If she's gonna make you pay rent you can find a cheap one bedroom apartment for cheaper than all that anyway.
digital media
2017-08-02 07:54:23 UTC
"So what amount of the household bills is that bf presently paying? I think he talked your mom into living together in the home that you, sister and mom live in so he can pay less than he paid before he moved in. I don't know your entire situation, therefore, you need to talk with a friend who knows your mom also and what that bf is doing so you can be advised about how to make a decision on whether to remain in that house or rent a place with a friend and each pay half of all expenses. "
2017-08-02 03:53:35 UTC
First am aquarium really shouldn't cause the electric bill to be that much and if it does I recommend you getting rid of it. Having turtles isn't a necessity. Also, you're 18 have you looked into other living arrangements? Maybe you know someone who needs a roommate that could potentially be more affordable.
2017-08-02 02:28:27 UTC
From what you said here, your mom is a bltch. If she has a bf who is not ur father, you got to move out, they are both strangers for you
2017-08-01 23:11:53 UTC
Your mother isn't going to listen to reason, and honestly your sister shouldn't be putting her two cents into the matter either, in my opinion your mother and her boyfriend are taking advantage since you're going to be working and they're going to be ringing up your bill higher so that they can wring you dry financially. I recommend opening a bank account in your name, taking your personal information (social security #, birth certificate, ID, and passport) and figure out where you can find a place to stay either with another trusted family member or friend once you've graduated, as a temporary fix until you're on your feet and with a steady job. Then you can look into finding a cheap apartment that allows pets. Since you're seeking to become independent, it won't be an easy, but if your home is going to be a toxic environment where everyone is bringing you down, you might be better off leaving. Just stay safe, healthy, and don't skip meals. You're overall well being comes first!
Anne Campbell
2017-08-01 11:23:14 UTC
.Ask her to give you a figure and detail what this will cover.
2017-08-01 02:22:56 UTC
Lee Hongjun
2017-08-01 02:19:56 UTC
yeah honestly, im not trying to be rude but your mom and her boyfriend are going to screw you over financially. Why pay for the entire electric bill first of all? save that money up, get a real house, and then start paying real electric bills. don't give her money for food either; she won't let you kill yourself so you can get away w/o paying for that. to me it seems your mom and her bf, whether it's intentional or not, are screwing you over entirely. they see you've become financially "submissive" and are now going to expect you to pay for their ****, when you should only be paying for what you use. and what do they spend their money on besides the actual rent, their phone bills and their insurances? pleasantries? any good parent would put that money in an account and save that for you to use at a later time to use in the real world. you need to take a stand. and tell your sister to stfu. if your parents are going to make you pay that much i recommend a better paying job, or a job that will give you a lot of hours.
2017-07-31 22:22:08 UTC
This can go so many ways depending on who you talk to. So please bear with me. It sounds like you already pay your way, if it was a roomie situation. you are paying for some major bills. However, who uses the internet? I have a roomie and he is an older guy, never goes online, so I consider it my bill since I am the one always streaming netflix, crunchyroll, and xbox one games. put it in that perspective, and think about the bills/food that ALL of you use, yes you should help with that. If you cant pay cash for groceries, at least try to provide food to support your family the best way you can, any legal way you can. Now as far as rent goes, I do not know how to handle that, as I have never stayed with a family member who asked for rent. they always only asked for help which I was always more than happy to give. :) If it gets to be too much, consider rooming with some friends. you know it takes a lot of dough to keep a household running smooth but I think you know that already. best of luck to you. Matane :)
2017-07-31 22:19:39 UTC
What I have learnt as soon as I hit adult hood is that nothing goes according to your plan. Your family or parents always hold you back, which is why I decided to move out on my own and find a way to achieve my goals without depending on my parents for anything. You seem to be in a similar position as I was.

I was able to save more money when I moved out on my own. I was also motivated to find more ways to make and save more money, and I am alot happier than when I was living with my family. I never expected things to work out so well for me but I made the big step and have not regretted it since. So, my advice to you is to move out as soon as you can, when you get a job, and work on your goals from there. You may think that it will take longer now, but trust me, it will take longer to achieve while living with your family(speaking from experience). Don't take as long as I did to figure that out, take my advice...
2017-07-31 18:54:05 UTC
I think it's very unfair for you to pay the expenses you listed as well as additional for rent. I commend you for offering to pay all the bills you listed, electrical, gas and the internet. That's probably about $300 per month. No high school aged child should be paying that much, especially when his mom and her boyfriend makes decent money. I could see it if she was struggling but it just sounds like her boyfriend is a user and definitely no father figure. You should be using your money for senior year activities and saving for college. I'm sorry to hear that your first job experience has turned into a nighmare! As a parent I would have been delighted that you were offering to pay those bills but would have accepted a little less just to show your responsibility.
2017-07-31 06:51:33 UTC
2017-07-31 03:50:47 UTC
Listen I'm twenty the second I got a job in the state I moved to I started paying about $200 a month to live in my house. I don't even have a good job it's something quite a few people gotta do. Also that's too much to ask your getting screwed try to figure something out if you gotta pay that much. You could try to ask a family member as well.
2017-07-30 11:42:26 UTC
As well you should. More kids need to learn how to adult. That's how the real world works.
2017-07-30 02:28:56 UTC
If they are paying $1150 for rent why not buy a house and pay less, so they can say it's our home and will aren't renting.
2017-07-30 01:35:51 UTC
2017-08-02 04:05:24 UTC
na thats ****** up, it was their choice to have a child and they should be prepared to provide for it
2017-08-01 03:40:41 UTC
if you grow up ( more than 18). You need to pay money for your mom
2017-08-01 03:30:48 UTC
If I read this correctly you have not graduated from high school yet. Your mom is crazy you need to focus on your education not getting a job so you can pay rent.
2017-07-31 23:03:55 UTC
You really shouldn't have to pay that many bills when you're 18, you'll never save much money that way, you're getting ****** over.

A bill or two that would equate to like less than $300 a month would be reasonable, but what you're trying to pay is too much.
2017-07-31 13:24:13 UTC
So you are ready to pay rent, food, and bills for whole family. I think it is cheaper to find some other place to live and pay just rent, your own bills, and your own food and also you will be independent for your family. It is not typical for me because my parents have never asked me to pay bills or rent. It looks like your mother and sister wants you to work on them. That are really stupid conditions. If you will pay all what they want you will never have your own car or save for your studies. It looks like they want you to live with them forever and pay their bills.
Gaia’s Garden
2017-07-31 01:00:12 UTC
So you have half a bedroom of a 3 bedroom house? THat's 1/6 of the rent or around $200 (rounded up. THere's 4 people in the house, so pay 1/4 of the electric which comes to $50. SAme with the gas bill. Pet food is your responsibility anyway. Pay 1/4 of the internet since everyone uses it.
2017-07-30 01:42:56 UTC
So mom wants to treat you as a full fledged roommate. Does that mean you can have one stay overnight whenever you feel like it?

Add up 1/4th of the rent, the utilities, the internet, etc. Can you pay it? (Don't offer to pay the entire electric bill or anything else).

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.