1/What's the easiest way to work out where all the money's going during an ebay auction? So if you're selling, how do you keep track of how much money is going to ebay listing, final value and paypal fees etc? I can never tell how much I've actually made in selling an item. there are all the withdrawal fees from paypal, certain fees on ebay which are taken at different times (it seems that the final value fee is taken immediately, but your listing fees are charged to your bank account at some other time...). so what technique could I use? What costs should I note down, and how do I use them to work out what I've made? If you initially got the item you were selling for free, could hte fees you pay to ebay and paypal ever make you lose money, and if so, how?
2/Just a general "how to make money online" question. ideas? any wholesale things I could buy to sell on individually with £500 or under? any ideas you might have...