2010-05-01 09:47:52 UTC
I then applied for a Crisis Loan of £2500 (knowing fully well they wouldn't pay me that much as the maximum is £1500) & they have given me £400 which is clearly not enough for the things I need but I've accepted it anyways as "beggers can't be choosy".
My question is; Can I apply for another Crisis Loan? -Obviously for everything else that I need which would come up to about £1450 (I know £2500 takeaway £400 isn't £1450 LOL.. The Social Fund have already told me their not allowed to pay for certain things hence why now my total is £1450 instead of £2100. -For those certain people that want to act smart & tell me I can't calculate LOL) or would I have to wait til I've paid them off the £400?
-Plus.. Do you reacon I should try apply for a Community Care Grant again or would I once again have to wait til I pay off the £400? :/