This is really simple math.
Any debt you have is money upon which you are paying RENT.
Get rid of the car,and buy a decent used car- because you are paying more in interest, as well as insurance and excise tax than you need to be, all the time. The faster you get ridof those payments, the better.
Pay off the monthly payments, but pay off as much of the debt as you can while reserving a backup fund for emergencies. That should be a static amount that is socked away in an account just for that purpose. Assess which loans you have the highest interest on, check to see if there is a prepayment penalty, and get rid of them as soon as you can.
That could mean consolidating trips in the car for errands, packing your own lunch, and the biggest offender of all, don't darken the door at Starbucks. You can actually save a lot, if you cut everyday costs. Get out mom's crockpot and cook yourself some stuff you can microwave at work. Nothing prepackaged. Learn to buy things when they are on sale, not ten minutes before you need them.
Get rid of the debt right now. Every time you are able to cut down the principle, you ARE saving money. There is no return on putting money you don't really own into an account that pays you less than what you are paying interest on, because you will never make more in interest than they are charging. That's how banks work, and why they are the ones issuing the loans.
You can make iced tea with one tea bag and a huge jar in the sun. A lemon costs a buck,if that. Make yourself a vat of that, and take it to work, and figure out how much you would otherwise pay for your sodas or drinks. Then put that directly towards your car loan. Earmark things like that- you'll be surprised how fast you are paying them down. It seems silly, but it's not. You don't even realize how much you fritter away every week, but you will of you look for ways to not pay on the fly. Ask your mom- she can probably help you. When you see the housepainters hook up a microwave outside a house, or bring out their coolers- this is exactly why. They dn't line up at the sub shop- they cook at home,and bring it, and every day they save about $6. That's well over $2000 if you don't count holidays.
So- any time you are about to spend money on anything, think about a cheaper way to do it, and pay off your debt. There is only "good debt, if you actually can afford it, and you cannot. Good debt is the stuff on the credit card that you pay off completely at the end of the month, because you actually have the money. You don't, so pay it off as much as you can, as fast as you can. because when you buy a house, you're going to have massive bills you didn't expect.