2015-05-23 14:03:47 UTC
But I see no reason to be a multimillionaire, in the MTV cribs videos, all they have is like 10 TV's or 3 Sofa's, 10 car's etc. But in reality you would only drive the car you like most and only watch the TV you like most, there's no point in being excessive.
You could afford a house, car, motorbike and a boat as well as have time to do what you want with just a million, so i see no point in pursuing anything more than 2 million, and I don't see why people encourage others to aim for anything like that, surely you should aim for financial freedom and having a house, not being excessive.
So yeah, a millionaire's 100 percent inheritance tax would be the perfect tax, nobody should be born a millionaire and live a life of excess for nothing, all people like Paris Hilton should be gotten rid of. I see donald trump has a megayatch, but even that he wouldn't use all the time, he would be better off renting it for when he actually used it, lol.
Surely you can have the same life a multibillionaire being a millionaire, because any more than a million is excessive, there's seriously no reason you should store a huge boat unless you have hoarding disorder.
I can only one good reason: power, however the people should never tolerate someone ruling over and oppressing and enslave them.