Why does everyone say money isn't important?
2006-06-18 14:26:52 UTC
I agree money might not buy hapiness but it buys the necessities in life. If homeless people had money, they would have a home. If I had money, I could live someplace safer. Without money you can't get good medical care (without you are an unmarried mother with a dozen kids or a well deserving senior or a veteren who has served their country) . If you are a middle age woman with a low payiing job you can't get good healthcare.

I haven't been to a doctor since my daughter was born 14 years ago. If I had money, I might get a checkup or take care of a medical problem I have. Without money, people don't eat right.

I can't get a date with a guy who makes good money becasue I don't make good money and I thought money wasn't supposed to be important?

I think money is important and unlike most poor people, I don't hate the rich, I envy them. Love and caring are important, but try paying the rent with them.
23 answers:
2006-06-18 14:42:09 UTC
You do have a point but to get money you must have a brain. You could have had that guy with money if you had used your brain. You can get free health care or family assistant health care if you use your brain. Don't stereotype middle age low income mothers we do have brains that can get us a SUGAR DADDY that can take care of our needs or we are motivated enough to get a better job to take care of the family. So money is not important it's what you use to get it.
2006-06-19 05:52:15 UTC
Whoever said money isn't important? Just remember it's not as important as some other things. I don't blame you for envying the rich--I do too, though I'm not poor either. I remember having to inspect one guy's new house, a "McMansion" that I would never have been able to afford. His biggest gripe was that he was unhappy with the way the marble tiles in the foyer were laid out. They were green and had gray veins in them, and he was really, really unhappy with the fact that the installer did not set the ones with a lot of gray together, and the ones with just a little gray together, but just mixed them; and he wanted all the tiles pulled up and laid more artistically. I remember thinking of all the problems I had with my older house and thinking "if this is the worst problem he has, I'd gladly have his problems instead of mine." You can understand that.

But my dear friend, be careful. You complain that guys with lots of money aren't interested in you because you don't have money. I don't know if that's true, but if you want guys to give you a chance in spite of the fact that you don't have much money, so you can show what else you have to offer (which is a lot), then don't make money an important criteria for rejecting a guy, either.

Good luck and keep looking for a better job.
2006-06-18 15:06:01 UTC
I never said money was not is very important!

I don't know what your problems are or how old you are or what you do or if you do work...?

As far as the homeless some of those people could work if they wanted to and some of them even have educations. Some people just do not want to work...

If you are a single Mom you could go back to school and the government would pay for your schooling so think about it...Sorry you are having a rough time. I was single myself for a long time with 4-children no child support and no formal training it was hard to say the least. I went back to school and let the government pay for my schooling. Best thing I ever did for myself. It was very difficult because I had no way to get around. I also worked. So you can do things with your life it's just not easy sometimes.

As far as you not seeing a doctor I had not seen one for over 11-years.

I don't envy the rich I commend them for getting where they are.

Have a good day.
2006-06-18 14:53:54 UTC
cash is king
2006-06-18 14:37:36 UTC
AMEN to that!
2006-06-18 14:30:56 UTC
i say money = happiness , people will say it doesn't , but give them a million dollars then see who is happy
2006-06-18 14:30:21 UTC
well, if you dont have it you might as well tell yourself that money doesnt matter, if you say if often enough you might actually believe it.
2006-06-18 14:47:41 UTC
Let me tell you something about the importance of money.

Two weeks ago, my husband's parents lost their home, their pets, and everything they owned but the clothes on their backs to a devastating fire that swept through the home they had been renting for the past 10 years. They had money to keep a roof over their heads, but that was really it. They had no savings, and could not afford to pay all of their bills. Still, they were hanging on to what they had.

Since that time we have learned a lot about the value of money. Money can be nice, but what his folks have is better than anything you will ever get with money.

The have:

1. Eachother, which is a miracle considering my mother-in-law had to be plucked off a burning building two weeks after her knee replacement surgery by a neighbor and a man on his way home from work who was nice enough to stop to save her life.

2. An employer who takes care of loyal employees. WC put them into a student apartment on campus until they can get their feet on the ground

3. Friends and family, who started making phone calls right after the fire to make sure they could both walk out of the hospital with shoes on their feet. We've received boxes of clothing and other necessities from family in Ohio, Tennesse, and Florida, and more are on the way.

4. Their lives

None of us have much money, but we are there to support eachother in every other way possible. And sometimes that makes all the difference.

So, here is my advice to you, whether you want it or not:

1. If you want money, work hard.

2. Go back to school and get your education. Your brain is one thing no one will ever be able to take away from you, so pack it as full of information as you possibly can. If you do that, you'll always be able to put a roof over your head. And community colleges are great sources of Financial Aid and grants for single mothers with dependent children. You might want to look into it.

3. Surround yourself with people who will be good to you, and who will support you emotionally in any endeavor that you choose to tackle. Everyone wants someone to take care of them, but that's more than just writing a check every month.

4. Always respect yourself, and don't envy other people quite so much. No one's life is perfect. Just try to live your's the best that you can for you and your daughter.

5. As a daughter who was raised entirely by a single mother, it's really important that you set an example for your daughter. So set the example, and show her how strong you are and how hard you're working to make life better for you both.
2006-06-18 14:42:56 UTC
This is not an answer to your question but to say that every single point that you made is 100% valid.

That everyone who say money isn't important are everyone who already have plenty of it with their needs taken care of OR that everyone who simply want to convince that not having it is not a problem. Those who want to solve this problem may never utter this like yourself.

For happiness (as it is only one of the needs) of couse, money is only one of many contributing factors. Happiness is a blessing and an art, to have it money is only one of many contributing factors. I remember when I didn't have as much as I do today, I use to be happy for having many simple pleasures, that probably may not please me anymore.

Researchers found that poor in developing nations are happier than rich from the most developed nation. Of course we die young for not having all the facilities that rich enjoy elsewhere. Simple pleasures.

Good times will come as you are struggling and giving all the right education and direction to your daughter today so she can enjoy both happiness and money tomorrow.
2006-06-18 14:32:42 UTC
there are plenty of places to get the necessities in life, for free or lower prices. money can't hug you, it will never make you really happy. it presents you with a false feeling of security. then when it's gone, so are all your "friends". so be content where you are in life. you are there for a purpose.
2006-06-18 14:39:03 UTC
I agree, money is definitely important. Everything costs money - even water (which you need to live, so that shouldn't be a cent). In my opinion, it's the most important thing. Family and friends are close behind though.

Hear me out: Money gives you confidence. You can buy all the nice, new, brand name clothes, you can afford to put your kids into classes and teams like swimming, hockey, and karate. Without money comes depression. If you are sad and/or depressed, but still have great family/friends, you're still going to feel those unwanted emotions.

Think about it - wouldn't it be a lot more fun to go on a cruise with some of your best buds, than just talk with them in your poor excuse for a home?

That's another thing. A lot of people get to go on vacations a lot through the year or in the summer and have cottages. I barely knew what a cottage /was/ until a few years ago. I've never been on a vacation in my life, not even out of the damn province. It's easy for the more well-off people to say money isn't everything - which in some cases it's not, but honestly, let's get real folks - because it's all they've ever known. I have to work for everything I get, nothing comes easily.

Anyway, I guess I should stop ranting now. Remember, these are just my opinions and I feel strongly about them. You don't have to agree.
2006-06-18 14:34:35 UTC
youre rite about all you jus stated. you can take care of so many of the important necessities of life w.o money but happiness really is above all the most important. you should not envy the rich. if ne thing you should feel sorry for them (most of them ne how not all are a s s 's) many have been born n2 their wealth, would not know how to survive w. o it, have never been taut how to appreciate it. there are things that we poor ppl can do to change our financial situation. we just have to act on it.

have some faith. the lord will not but us into a situation that he is not willing to help us thru.
2006-06-18 14:34:32 UTC
truth honesty and morals are more important than money!

there are free clinics where you could go. as for finding a rich guy? you say it's because you don't make good money? maybe you are not presenting yourself to the right kind of rich guy. you know the down to earth kind that are not greedy, and have a mild manner. a kind heart should be chosen over money any day! try volunteering for a good charity and put your heart into it. when you give loving service to others it is returned to you! so be kind to others and yourself only then will you situation change!
2006-06-18 14:29:53 UTC
No one says it's not important, they say that it's not everything. There's a profound difference there. Sure, having a way of keeping body and soul together is important, but making money shouldn't be the reason for existence.
2006-06-18 14:37:07 UTC
money can buy the best material things in life but it cannot buy you certain necessary things like happiness, life etc. remember money is made by people and spent by people as well. the power belongs to us and if you play cards right, you have cash. just trust in God and follow the rules he gave us concerning making money.
2006-06-18 14:35:22 UTC
I think cause of the hearts feelings. yeah having money is very important, but say that you fall for a guy with money, then he goes broke. would you leave him for just that? I think not, not after you've loved him for real.
2006-06-18 14:29:26 UTC
Because the best things in life, like family and friends, do not require money.
2006-06-18 14:42:45 UTC
(1)Any one who says money isn't everything...dosn't have any. (2)The more money you have...the safer the place you live.(paridox) (3) The richest and wisest person i ever meet said to me "A millon dollars is a millon problems" c/w singer Judy Hall..also said shed trade it all for one more day. (4)" the more money you have the more problems you see"unknown..sot of.
2006-06-18 14:31:46 UTC
Everybody loves money and it is important if you want to survive. I love money, wish I had lots more.
2006-06-18 14:29:57 UTC
Money is not the most important thing but it is important..
2006-06-18 14:33:13 UTC
Maybe its cause they are like real rich
2006-06-18 14:31:32 UTC
ah, they really don't mean it, but it sounds good, but believe me, I had been poo, dirt poor, and having money is much better....
ms.zac efron 11
2006-06-18 14:30:57 UTC

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